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Lynne's Threads

Subject Views Posts Last Post
Brexit is a shambles says Conservative leader of Devon County Council 349 26 Mar 2019
Teignbridge District Council and Devon County Council - Brexit preparations 832 51 Jan 2019
Post Brexit Immigration Policy 94 9 Dec 2018
The Future of the Lawn - Part 3 1517 74 Dec 2018
No Deal Brexit - some suggestions on what to stockpile 192 23 Dec 2018
Disruption to GWR rail service for 3 weeks in Feb 2019 81 2 Dec 2018
Dawlish Carnival - more volunteers and storage space needed 46 1 Dec 2018
Fake owls on top of telegraph poles 451 7 Dec 2018
Staff Nurse vacancy - Dawlish community hospital 96 2 Dec 2018
Campaign launched to recruit volunteers for short staffed NHS 157 5 Dec 2018
Bingo licence being applied for - Maingate Leisure Ltd, Exeter Road, EX7 0LX 83 1 Nov 2018
Town Council planning meeting, 6.12.18 agenda items 52 1 Nov 2018
Some thoughts on Brexit themed Christmas hampers 73 1 Nov 2018
Planning application submitted to develop site of Old Rectory, 13 Weech Road 204 2 Nov 2018
GWR funding fallen through for proposed playpark on the lawn 581 20 Nov 2018
Access for all - funding bid for Dawlish railway station 66 1 Nov 2018
No press reporting of Dawlish Town Council meetings 217 8 Nov 2018
Land at Springfield Gardens 118 1 Nov 2018
Roadworks and temporary traffic lights on A379 Shutterton area - Sewer upgrade 149 1 Oct 2018
A379 not fit for purpose? 130 1 Oct 2018
More money to spend on facilities in Dawlish 147 1 Sep 2018
NHS Health Checks for the over 40s 152 4 Sep 2018
Licensing application - Ladies Mile Holiday Park. Application to enable supply of alcohol and entertainment to take place in a Marquee, Mon-Sun 10.00 - 23.00 April to November 224 6 Sep 2018
Child Trust Funds - children born between 1st September 2002 and very early 2011 53 1 Sep 2018
Power of Attorney - fee refund 63 1 Sep 2018
Dawlish councillor selected as candidate for next General Election 473 38 Aug 2018
Golden Sands/Peppermint Park submit planning app. for expansion of caravan site 385 5 Aug 2018
Planning application submitted for big wheel at Dawlish Warren 433 7 Aug 2018
The control of women in patriarchal societies 386 23 Aug 2018
Brexit - where Totnes leads will Dawlish follow? 257 16 Jul 2018
The Lawn in Dawlish to become a post Brexit communal orchard and allotment? 841 78 Jul 2018
Tracey Scranage, T'mouth and Dawlish Town Centre Development Manager to leave post 523 8 Jul 2018
Braking Wind Cycles closing down? 567 8 Jul 2018
Jacob Rees Mogg on the Brexit economy 128 4 Jul 2018
Press coverage of Dawlish Town Council meeting held 4th July 63 1 Jul 2018
New times for Thursday car-boot at Warren Farm, Dawlish Warren 159 1 Jul 2018
Brexit and medical supplies - NHS Chief says planning underway in the event of no deal 306 31 Jul 2018
Be aware that a Brexit no deal could cause a food shortage 449 43 Jul 2018
Lawn to be venue for cross cultural get together? 534 23 Jul 2018