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General Discussion

Who is this person who constantly posts to protect councillors? He attacks but says nothing. Obviously desperate to kill debate.....but why?

Customer Service
28 Jul 2008

Terrace cafe always provide good service and a good laugh

I have clipped this from a previous thread, as i believe our local journalist, Tom Scobie, is not representing us as he promised. Mr Scobie's manifesto includes his "intention to ensure that, with the active engagement of our readers, the Gazette not only reflects the community but serves it with renewed vigour" and "looking forward to hearing from people with every shade of opinion and to ...

28 Jul 2008

Would You? = Chicken Shed. We have plenty of evidence. That's why you are squirming. Once we have ousted W.Protheroe with his dubious dealings then the rest of you will follow like sycophantic domino's. We are going through the right channels ( we use this forum to enlighten others ), which will inevitably see your necks in a noose. As regards pseudonyms, why doesn't Chicken Shed divulge to us ...

28 Jul 2008

Who's Roy? Chicken Shed appears to be a dirty old man!

Moaning Dawlish
28 Jul 2008

It would appear the chicken shed and roy chubby brown are one and the same. Embarrassing drivel attempting to pass for humour. Good to laugh at but never with.

I'm not Roy or Viaduct and i'm certainly not scared of an old windbag like you. Can you answer what many of us are asking; why there is very little transparent reporting/journalism of our local Council in the local rags? According to these papers, everything is above board, when we all know how much 'dirty-work' Dawlish Council get up to.....recent example....Dawlish multi-use Youth Centre. What ...

your homophobia gives away your old age and your obsolete views. you truly are a rancid bigot. who in their right mind would want to be anywhere near the mount pleasant when such deceitful people run the place. some of us have integrity...a word and its meaning which will probably be alien to the likes of chicken shed.

Abusive Posts
28 Jul 2008

Be careful chicken, a relic such as you, with your outdated humour may be detained in Museum.....

seen em.. cover song cheese and bloody awful!