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General Discussion

Customer Service

06 Mar 2008 10:24

Did anyone see the article in the Gazette about the survey 'revealing' poor customer service in Dawlish shops?

Sadly the attitude seems to be that is the staff are not downright rude to the customers that's the best that can be hoped for.

I'm not suggesting a name and shame campaign but how about some praise for the shops that actually get it right, those that don't will be glaringly obvious by ommission.

I'll start -

Threshers - went to get a decent bottle of something I know nothing about, the young lady was very helpful and apologetic that she didn't have more choice. I don't go in there often but every time I do I get good service.

Rubys mobiles - good service and good deals

Morris & McGinns - always a good service and a good chat

any more???

Sarah G
Sarah G
15 Jul 2008 08:43

The beach cafe ...
I found the bald man that works there to give a very poor service and was very unhelpfully when i asked directions ..
next time i visit your lovely town i will not go there !

Marine pub ..
i had a lunch there ,the food was good and the atmosphere was great and the staff was friendly and polite ..
thanks you

15 Jul 2008 10:01

Sweet shop is very good.

Standards have reached and all time low, re manners, respect and thought for people. How can that be turned round?
Serve customers as they would like to be served.
It comes to something when firms have to have school for 'customer service'.
Example .. when you phone large firms, Banks, Utilities etc..the responses are written in front of them. I so hate the line at the end of the call 'thank you for calling ..... and anything else I can do for you' lol.
Nobody is able or allowed to think on their own feet.

The fox
The fox
16 Jul 2008 19:41

The Terrace cafe , always very friendly.

17 Jul 2008 06:59

Nothing in dawlish, Better!

28 Jul 2008 18:15

Terrace cafe always provide good service and a good laugh

01 Aug 2008 21:36

couldn,t agree more. food great andthe owner should have his own comedy show

03 Aug 2008 07:42

the foreign guy in the ticket office in the railway station; fantastically polite and helpful

03 Aug 2008 07:46

Totally agree with you there Devondel - he's fantastic.

03 Aug 2008 11:20

Have to agree with you. It's service with a smile, all year round, except when he closes to go on his cruise. Excellent food and a pleasure to eat in there.

03 Aug 2008 11:34

Yum yum british grease

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
03 Aug 2008 17:44

Surely its foreign grease

03 Aug 2008 17:47

fabulous food great service, even though they were very busy they looked after us so well we left with a full belly and a big smile. Thanks Terrace Cafe

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
03 Aug 2008 17:50

I've eaten in the Terrace maybe half a dozen times. Each and every time the service has been excellent from the owner and his staff (family?).

And no, I'm not the owner!!!

The only constructive criticism I'd make is that they are slightly too eager to clear your plates from your table, other than that the place is spot on!

03 Aug 2008 18:07

Excuse my ignorance but where exactly is The Terrace?

03 Aug 2008 18:17

Terrace is by Amusements opposite Brook. Great place/food with great owners. Recommend it to everyone.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
03 Aug 2008 18:27

Trumpet fanfare please.

For once i have to agree with Roy, food is great, well priced and the owner is very friendly.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
03 Aug 2008 20:43

Nice double bluff by Roy.

12 Aug 2008 17:23

I have just came back from my hoils had a lovely time and now i am back in rainy newcastle, for the car journey home i popped into a lovely little cafe called tummy yummy [i think thats right] and had a beautiful baggette with chicken tikki it was lovely and the lady in there was very helpful

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