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@Steve Excuse me, 'should' and 'shouldn't' sounds like dictating. You googled the terms 'global scientific community' thinking it was some over-arching evil organization based on your own deep mistrust and paranoia. 'Humans don't cause weather', is that your final word? Thank flip for that.

2 days ago

I'm not dictating. You said yourself you meant the scientific community and not the community you originally wrote that doesn't exist. I never said anything about having O Levels or GCSEs. Climate alarmists always resort to ad hominem attacks. Sorry, but humans don't cause the weather. Bye.

@Steve I shouldn't have written anything any differently. You don't dictate anything to me, just because you're either confused or paranoid. You're just trying to save face because you look foolish. Climate change wasn't given the anthropogenic prefix from the beginning of research into it anyway - that'd be predetermined and poor science, nor was the term 'anthropocene' it came later and was ...

2 days ago

You should have originally said scientific community. You wouldn't call an area of scientific study 'anthropogenic climate change' because you would be implying the cause of the phenomenon you were trying to study. I realise people do that, which is another reason to be highly skeptical of work with that phrase in it. Who doesn't understand science these days? It's basically taught from school.

@Steve The global scientific community isn't one body or authority. It's numerous institutions, research centres, universities, etc. They don't have one website. That's the whole point, they're not associated and can challenge the research of another with impartiality in theory. I'm simply referring to scientists and in particular climate scientists around the globe whose research connects them ...

2 days ago

Yes, but that isn't the same as a bloke called Steve on who knows nothing about the scientific community, scientific methodology, the subject of climate science and rigour in research" No one seems to know anything about the "global scientific community on anthropogenic climate change" .

@Steve This is what you wrote on 22nd July 21:08, Scroll up. "I don't believe I'm in the minority. I don’t know anything about the global scientific community on anthropogenic climate change except that scientific communities are made up of fallible people with political biases. Most people in academia are on the left of politics because, like celebrities, they don't understand ...

2 days ago

You are right @1263 . I don't really know what he's laughing about since what he's put in bold is completely different to what he put in subsequent posts. If you search "global scientific community on anthropogenic climate change" it returns practically nothing, just 1 pdf in google. Nothing in other search engines. So it's hardly some scientific authority, even though there are no such ...

@1263 Thanks, always lovely chatting with you.

2 days ago

My post 17.01 response 17.08 nuff said.

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