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Apologies to you BOO HOO for hijacking your thread.

2 days ago

How good it is to read a post on here that is actually about Dawlish, and not some political stuff about events way outside. I would probably agree with you BOO HOO but, being housebound these days, I don't get into town to see for myself.

Ukraine and foreign aid plus the cost of hotels, etc for the illegal migrants from France. I suppose you could also add the ppe contract scandal, the failed covid tracker app and the temp hospitals plus the current and future contracts for mRNA vaccines to name just a few eating up tens of billions of hard earned tax payers money. Then you could add HS2, the myriad of carbon zero schemes to siphon ...

When I moved here 20 years ago I could not believe that I had the good fortune to accidentally find Dawlish whilst looking for a new home in Devon. What a charming proud jewel of a seaside town it was. Now only 20 years later the absolute decline that continues to accelerate at a pace whilst the council pillages more money from the citizens and does less and less every year. If I was a town ...

In my opinion the U.K. Government, and the way they have treated this country and its citizens over the past 5 years or more, can be classified as a domestic terrorist organisation if you use the governments own definition of terrorism under the Terrorism Act 2006:- Introduction The Terrorism Act 2006 uses the definition of terrorism contained in the Terrorism Act 2000. Section 34 amends ...

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has said there was a need to tackle the "emerging and growing problem". He must mean the problem of white adolescent males murdering schoolgirls because that was what the drama was about. And they want the writers of the drama to go to parliament to discuss it. What a clown world we now live in. Next ...

According to news articles, Heathrow did have a diesel generator backup but it was removed as part of their drive to net zero.

Sadly, they don't want to stop the boats. World War II was all for nothing.

5 days ago

I think what might help at little cost is to sink scaffolding poles just below the water line a few hundred yards of low water. Wish i could claim this idea, But Erwin Rommel thought this up to help stop D Day.

i wonder if anyone knows the amount of money the DVLA gather for vehicles tax on  car owners and in particular industrial lorries and coaches. It obviously  syphoned off to other departments.I mention this by  the state of the roads in devon and are comparable to that many countries in Africa. Where if not spent on roads where is the money? Its our money.