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General Discussion

Moaning Dawlish

25 Jul 2008 17:48

I am so glad this Forum is here.
So many people are frustated and moan about the least little thing .
Now if they really wanted to do anything. they would get off the back sides and do something about it ie, not happy with carnival Email them , Not happy with cafe with dogs dont go there, Not happy at youth centre then voice your opinion to the council.
The problem is that "you talk the talk" but never "walk the walk".
This is the problem with the uk @ the moment and " if i want your opinion i will tell it you"

25 Jul 2008 18:12

Wake up you moron! Contact the Council?! Where was the consultation regarding the 'druggies' and 'offenders' being part of our new youth centre?! We have a local council who don't give a stuff about Dawlish....just themselves! Are you one of those councillors?!

This Youth Centre is confirmation that Dawlish is sliding downwards while other towns gleam and shine. The answer? Get rid of our council and replace it with people who care.

ps-John Anthony should be ashamed of what he has helped implement before his retirement.

25 Jul 2008 18:27

Oh I assure you that I very much do walk the walk!

And yes, I am extremely glad of this forum. Know why? Because it is a way of getting information out to others. The proposal to put a training centre at the youth centre being a case in point.

25 Jul 2008 20:21

Viaduct has become a mum, congratulations

25 Jul 2008 20:41

Mum and Mum2 join the happy bunch of constant moaners..what a fab place tis.

25 Jul 2008 20:48

Wally protheroe protectors....bow your heads in shame. Are you aware of how much corruption this man is involved in? If so...youy are just as culpable....

25 Jul 2008 21:02

Perhaps there's a lot to moan about?

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
26 Jul 2008 10:25

Perhaps there should be a centre for the disaffected schizo's?

Why does this anti-Dawlish person post on here using so many different usernames? Pathetic - he is only on here to denigrate Dawlish.

All IP addresses on any forum are recorded, so the administrator of this particular forum can clearly see that the various anti-Dawlish rants are all from the same source. It's only a pity that the administrator chooses not to publish IP addresses (as happens on a lot of other forums). If he did, then we wouldn't see the anti-Dawlish buffoon for dust.

Final word of advice to the anti-Dawlish poster, seriously - you need professional medical help.

26 Jul 2008 10:45

How do you know the posts are all from the same poster?? You can't know this unless, like you said, you have administrator rights, which I think you don't. I think these are genuine posts, from genuine and frustrated people of Dawlish. Oh, and by the way, I am not the above person!!!!

26 Jul 2008 10:48

joey open your eyes and ears! if its openness and honesty you want then i suggest you start by scrutinising our councillors you so lovingly defend.

The only schizo on this website is you mr deacon for convincing yourself that every posting is that of one person. You deluded fool.....

It strikes me you would like to suppress any interaction or debate.....just like dawlish town council do when pertinent questions are asked.

26 Jul 2008 10:54

Joey Deacon is fond of threats and bullying when he posts. Explains all you need to know about this man and the company he keeps.

26 Jul 2008 15:28

I've experienced the bullying of Joey Deacon. Can't stand the bigot. I wonder if he would be just as keen on openess in Dawlish Council meetings, where at present, all Councillors votes are kept hidden, therefore, those of us outside the Council have no idea who voted for what. I wonder why? To hide collusion perhaps?

26 Jul 2008 18:46

Firstly people could be using the library or some other public internet provider.
Secondly didn't Dawlish have a lady Mayor until recently.
Why doesn't everyone write to the local paper mentioning their disquiet with the Councils conduct. If enough of you did it the paper would have to publish.
Get a petition going asking if people have faith in the Town Council.
I rarely come on this forum now as it has become boring. I doubt the council will take notice of a few rants on here.
Get organised and make your voice(s)? heard

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
27 Jul 2008 11:49

Blimey, i come back from my holiday to find massive multi-posting by the mad one , running down our town as usual.

i see he's also become a mum and started his 5th job.I think matron needs to up his dosage as his rantings get madder by the day.

27 Jul 2008 13:19

Can you prove what you claim? As for Matron....she has been pre-occupied with you...hence your absence! The local newsagent is concerned that you haven't collected your back-log of Daily Sport newspapers as well as the crayons you put by...

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
27 Jul 2008 23:51

I see your familiar with the Daily Sport. If only matron looked like that. Still i suppose matron is the nearest you'll ever get to having a woman.I think she's calling you, it must be time to change your incontinance pants.

28 Jul 2008 08:44

It would appear the chicken shed and roy chubby brown are one and the same. Embarrassing drivel attempting to pass for humour. Good to laugh at but never with.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
28 Jul 2008 19:55

Roy, sorry anon the razz is on you , you sad muppet.

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