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Lynne's Threads

Subject Views Posts Last Post
The Town Crier - Spring 2013 99 3 May 2013
And if you are a pensioner or coming up to state pension age you might want to have a read of this 281 17 May 2013
Calling Nelson 387 15 Apr 2013
Welfare spending - some facts 211 10 Apr 2013
Housing Benefit claimaint? Have 16-25 year old children living with you? You might want to read this and then check out your situation. 108 6 Apr 2013
This weekend - 20th&21st April - you can visit National Trust properties for FREE 28 1 Apr 2013
Incident on the A379? Up by Cockwood/Cofton 218 2 Apr 2013
Poll Tax and Council Tax are not the same thing 186 13 Apr 2013
and special request.......a thread on.........Local Politics! 71 1 Apr 2013
Could you live on circa £7.00 per day? Petition asking IDS to do so. Please sign 161 14 Apr 2013
Rich and on Benefits - Channel 4 programme - 8.00pm this evening 104 3 Apr 2013
Job Vacancy - Dawlish Town Council 117 1 Mar 2013
Welfare Cuts - now the Church of England speaks out against 266 23 Mar 2013
Bedroom Tax - national benefit policy vs local housing policy. There is a mismatch! 361 23 Mar 2013
Barrrats want to build 96 new homes at Newlands, Dawlish 601 13 Mar 2013
The Rain! Local landslips and flooding. Can you post info here please? 164 2 Mar 2013
More cuts, sorry, reforms, to Welfare Benefits 74 5 Mar 2013
Government disagrees with court ruling? No prob. Gov. will just rush through a change in the law 36 2 Mar 2013
Land South of Shutterton Lane - Planning Application refusal for 350 dwellings - Appeal 73 2 Mar 2013
Government now making new exemptions re Bedroom Tax? 88 6 Mar 2013
Help Save the (British) Children 44 1 Mar 2013
The Lies We Tell Ourselves:ending comfortable myths about poverty 168 5 Mar 2013
Prescriptions and dental charges increase - but only in England 66 2 Mar 2013
Review of Devon Homechoice Policy - Allocation of Social Housing, Teignbridge DC 254 4 Feb 2013
Shared ownership flats - 5 still up for grabs at Carhaix Way/Secmaton Rise development 57 1 Feb 2013
Shop Assistant vacancies - Ryders 180 3 Feb 2013
Planning app submitted for another 75 homes Secmaton Lane area 108 2 Feb 2013
Housing Benefit and other welfare changes wef April 2013 69 1 Feb 2013
Love Dawlish - Today! (Sat. 16th Feb) 83 1 Feb 2013
Got a spare bedroom - need to earn some more money? 86 1 Feb 2013
Dawlish is just soooo Brunelish - BBC2 6.30pm Friday 1st Feb 300 6 Feb 2013
Fancy a knees up? - Ceilidh being held this Saturday (9th Feb) at St, Mary's Hall, Dawlish Warren 40 1 Feb 2013
State Pension wef 2017 - latest government proposals 478 27 Jan 2013
Why are there still Christmas trees up in town? 131 6 Jan 2013
And then there's the issue of the free bus pass.............. 149 5 Jan 2013
MPs want pay rise 119 6 Jan 2013
Co-op at T'mouth to close wef Monday? Being replaced with a Wilkinsons? 304 10 Jan 2013
Over 60s Winter Fuel allowance 864 31 Jan 2013
Want to buy a home?Can't afford it? Read this! 74 1 Jan 2013
Your Dawlish - new magazine for the town starting in March 2013 209 4 Jan 2013