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Bogof's Posts

According to today's Gazette (30.07.08) Tesco are still determined to press ahead with their plans to build a supermarket at Lady's Mile irrespective of the fact that: 1. Dawlish only needs one new supermarket and 2. Sainsbury have already been given planning permission. To add insult to injury however, TESCO will shortly be opening a Tesco Express store in Teignmouth as the full page ...

Tesco given red light
28 Jul 2008

Tesco won't do anything until Teignbridge District Council have refused them planning permission. Which in all probability TDC will do. There is only the need for the one new supermarket. Sainsbury have already been given planning permission. Secretary of State has said its a local decision. Decision has already been made - Sainsbury have already been given planning permission. Therefore no need ...

26 Jul 2008

Dawlish Town Council's recommendation to Teignbridge District Council is that planning permission be refused Tesco who wish to build a supermarket at Lady's Mile (virtually opposite where Carhaix Way meets Exeter Road).

Seems Sainsbury have been given the go ahead to build their store at Shutterton Bridge by no less a person than the Secretary of State! As it was deemed that Dawlish needed only one new supermarket I wonder where that puts the Tesco application to build on Lady's Mile?

At the meeting of the Development Control Committee on 23 June 2008 it was resolved that, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 conditional planning permission be granted for the proposed development. Following this resolution there are procedural requirements that the Council has to follow before planning permission can be granted. ...

Sainsbury have been given planning permission by Teignbridge District Council to build at Shutterton Bridge. Bet Tesco have already got the planning lawyers on that one!

The planning committee at Teignbridge District Council is known as the Development Control Committee. It is made up of cllrs who represent wards throughout the district of Teignbridge. The Dawlish Councillor who sits on the Development Control Committee is Mary Mugford e-mail: Her substitute (just in case she's ill, away etc) is Graham Price. e-mail: ...

How to contact MP
20 Jun 2008

email address is:

For those of you wishing to contact your cllrs re any major planning applications or anything else you are none too happy with - see the very first posting above.

Forgot to say that Cllrs may not respond on anything to do with planning matters as they could be accused of predetermination which basically means that they could be accused of having made up their minds before considering the planning application officially at committee stage. Yes, I know it's a cop out BUT when big boys like Sainsbury and Tesco are in the playground you gotta play by the rules ...