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General Discussion

Local Cllrs on T'bridge District Council Planning Committee

20 Jun 2008 07:46

The planning committee at Teignbridge District Council is known as the Development Control Committee.

It is made up of cllrs who represent wards throughout the district of Teignbridge.

The Dawlish Councillor who sits on the Development Control Committee is Mary Mugford e-mail:

Her substitute (just in case she's ill, away etc) is Graham Price. e-mail:

You might like to e-mail the leader of the council as well, Alan Connett. He represents Starcross and Kenton - both of which will also be affected by the arrival of a new supermarket in Dawlish. He also sits on Dev. Control but for reasons of predetermination (I've explained that on another thread) he may not respond either BUT that doesn't mean he hasn't read your e-mails. Yes, your e-mails, PLURAL,& LOTS OF 'EM, get 'em in and tell 'em what you think!

Alan Connett's e-mail address is:

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