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Sainsbury given green light

24 Jul 2008 08:47

Seems Sainsbury have been given the go ahead to build their store at Shutterton Bridge by no less a person than the Secretary of State!

As it was deemed that Dawlish needed only one new supermarket I wonder where that puts the Tesco application to build on Lady's Mile?

24 Jul 2008 09:13

Up the swannee I hope!

no need
no need
24 Jul 2008 10:18

There simply is NO NEED for Tesco's. But then there never was a "need" for Tesco's or any supermarket - there was only the "need" that Teignbridge had dreamt up, because they wanted more cash in their coffers. After all, if local residents "needed" a supermarket, why did they move here in the first place, and why are they still living here? Yes, a supermarket may make one tiny part of your week just a little bit more convenient, but that doesn't represent a "need" just a "want". To put it into context - starving people in Africa - now they have a "need".

To need or not to need
To need or not to need
24 Jul 2008 10:47

Precisely - why do you think Sandy Lane playing fields were being set up to be sold off? (because they were you know)

Because, as they belonged (and still do) to Teignbridge District Council, Teignbridge would have pocketed any monies from their sale.

Why do you think Tesco had been sniffing around them to the extent that they (and I have to say I believe also Sainsbury's), it has been alleged, had taken out options on the houses around Sandy Lane Playing Fields. Tesco also had an option on the lease of the football club remember.

The reason Teignbridge Council decided against selling off the playing fields was because the people of Dawlish were so aghast at the thought that the politicans realised it would be political suicide to sell.

The 'need' for a supermarket in Dawlish was created because Teignbridge 'needed' more money and could achieve that by selling off land it owned eg Sandy Lane Playing Fields to one of the supermarkets.

Geddit now?

24 Jul 2008 11:18

Thank you Bogof for the info. I am glad Sainsburys got in first.

To me Tesco is a 'crafty' set up.
Clever marketing, Tesco is not as cheap as people have been led to believe. their prices with any store.
I see no need for Tesco, remember it was going to be smaller than Newton, one supermarket is enough here.
I do still like.... Asda!..

24 Jul 2008 12:02

There's a reason its main focus is Tesco's. That's because Tesco's is, quite simply, the biggest baddest, bully about. PS: I like Asda too, but Walmart (owners of Asda) are the USA version of Tesco's here. NASTY!

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
24 Jul 2008 12:11

Excellent news, if confirmed.

Even someone with a negative IQ such as myself, can see that this is great news for the local consumers and the local economy.

Things are certainly looking up in Dawlish.

24 Jul 2008 12:28

I see on that Tecopoly link the Coop plan to buy Somerfield.
One day they will all be one!

24 Jul 2008 20:59

If it's true I'll buy into that sentiment; and please let's leave Ladies Mile as a (relatively) green field site.

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