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oblivious' Posts

Did anyone see the article in the Gazette about the survey 'revealing' poor customer service in Dawlish shops? Sadly the attitude seems to be that is the staff are not downright rude to the customers that's the best that can be hoped for. I'm not suggesting a name and shame campaign but how about some praise for the shops that actually get it right, those that don't will be glaringly obvious by ...

6 Mar 2008

For goodness sake! Try to be helpful not ignorant. Dawlish is a lovely town, most of the people are friendly, I hope you have a good visit.

I'm happy to talk but it's difficult using this site! For a variety of reasons I prefer the anonimity of the backyard section and definately don't want to lose that!!

7 Feb 2008

I'm lucky as mine isn't too bad. My GP (Dr Pajovic) is very supportive and I know two others in my extended family who have the condition (not related by blood just coincidence) so we support each other. My medication controls the worst of the symptoms and over the years I have learnt to recognise the signs that I need to slow down and give my body chance to protest when I've done too much. If ...

6 Feb 2008

I have it. It's not much fun is it?

5 Feb 2008

The trees in the Brunswick will grow back, that's what those type of willows do.

Good lord Jambuster!! It's a good job I'm sitting down. But you know I make sense all the time really ;-)

1 Feb 2008

PCSO's pay scales - they seem to average around £17k. Police pay scales - this is Cheshire constabulary website but they are pretty much national rates - starting at £20K So a PCSO is paid way more than half a full-time copper. This is a sham, a con, a diabolical attempt to make the public feel safe ...

Sadly me too. I thought my money was going to Dawlish United, no more money coming from me!

To me schooling isn't just about exams and being top of the tables. My hopes for my child is that she leaves school having learned as much as she can, in a way that she has enjoyed. That she has made and kept her friends so that the social part of the school time has been rewarding. That when she leaves school she is able to progress with confidence to either the workplace or further education ...