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oblivious' Posts

I'm done with this forum, I've tried to see good in it and with some posters here I can. Others just want to slag off and belittle those whose aims might just turn out to be the best interests of this town. Maybe I'm niaive but I know some of the councillors and they are good people. The constant whinging is typical of the apathy in this town, you'll moan but do nothing to improve what you see ...

12 May 2008

So you don't like your Councillors to get on with each other? Why? Surely it's better that they can talk to each other and put political views to one side whilst making decisions for Dawlish? The political parties are just a side issue in a Town Council. Perhaps you'd prefer them to be a loggerheads all the time and get nothing done? The youth council will be elected by the youth of the town.

Piermont Place is right in the centre of town. It's quite busy with traffic and people at certain times of the day and year. Some of the flats and buildings are more private than others so I would recommend visiting at a couple of different times of day to get a feel for it.

Tell you what, if I was offered the sort of money I hear they're offering for the campsite you wouldn't see me for dust!!!!

Black Swans
1 Apr 2008

Wouldn't it be nice if, just for once, something could be celebrated here without it being turned into a conspiracy theory. Lovely to see the black swans with their little ones. Have spoken to the warden and the reason they are being moved is to protect them. We haven't had signets survive for long recently and it would be nice to see these reach adulthood. One of the reasons that swans were ...

1 Apr 2008

What no-one has mentioned is where does your child want to go? What about friends within the village, where do they go? We place huge emphasis on the child's education but forget that if they are miserable because their friends go to a different school or they have no friends living near them their education will suffer. As a teenager being with your friends and the social side of school is ...

Get fed up with hearing that young people have no voice. Is it more a case of young people can't be bothered or they don't have the time? There is one young town councillor but why should it be assumed that he will only be interested or able to represent youth issues? It's typical of small town mentality that people whinge and moan but do sod all about it, if you care, if you've got an opinion ...

Places to Eat
30 Mar 2008

Lovely to hear!!!

19 Mar 2008

The Old Brewery is in High Street, that's the one that runs behind the Co-op. Witches Bowl is nice and they open some evenings, the owners are really friendly. Ugly Duckling is good value for money. Smugglers Inn has excellent carveries, good bar meals and a good a la carte menu. Boathouse at Dawlish Warren is cheapish but big portions. Cream teas and soups and sandwiches - Old Mill Tearoom. ...

Good luck. I won't cross my fingers for you 'cos they'll get stuck! But I hope it goes well for you.