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General Discussion

But Dawlish can go up and up

30 Mar 2008 07:48

I almost posted this on the Dawlish is Going Downhill thread and then thought better of it.

Can someone tell me why there seems this seemingly constant whinge about Dawlish from some of its residents? What do you want? A city like Exeter? Well, you're not going to get it. If you want a city lifestyle it follows that you need to live in the city.

If you don't like it here there are two things it strikes me people can do: 1. Stay and DO things to alter it or 2. Leave. However, it seems that option 3. Constant whingeing is the preferred option.

Yes, older age range people move to Devon & Cornwall. Accept that. You won't stop it. Yes, more housing is needed. Yes, it would be nice to have a well paid job in Dawlish. So....start lobbying the politicians or DO SOMETHING but please,please, stop this never ending whinging.

Dawlish is great - depends what you are looking for in a place to live.

And that's the end of my whinge!

30 Mar 2008 12:00

See that all makes so much sense. Let's hope people will opt for 1, 2 or 3.

born here
born here
30 Mar 2008 13:41

Have you an option 4 as I am staying work in Exeter have written to our M.P. Fed up with whinging.
Us young people dont have a voice in this town.

30 Mar 2008 13:44

What age do you have to be to stand for the Town Council?

30 Mar 2008 14:29

So you commute to Exeter 'Born Here'. What's the problem? Many cities have dormitory towns (which is what Dawlish is to Exeter) from which people commute.

If you don't like commuting, why not move to Exeter?

What is it exactly that is your gripe about Dawlish?

30 Mar 2008 15:22

Just back from a great week in Dawlish. After reading some of the complaints on this site tried to look at the place with a more critical eye but to be honest still think you are all lucky to live in Dawlish. The scenery is great, the shops cater for just about everything you need on a day to day basis. The transport is fantastic lots of buses and trains too.( We have two buses an hour to the local town where most people have to work, there are no trains.) Had some great meals in friendly places. Sometimes we take things for granted until we don't have them.

30 Mar 2008 16:03

Well said, thank you.

30 Mar 2008 20:36

Get fed up with hearing that young people have no voice. Is it more a case of young people can't be bothered or they don't have the time?

There is one young town councillor but why should it be assumed that he will only be interested or able to represent youth issues?

It's typical of small town mentality that people whinge and moan but do sod all about it, if you care, if you've got an opinion or an idea then get involved. You don't have to stand for town council but you can volunteer to help in many ways. At the very least keep yourself informed and put your opinions over to the relevant people.

31 Mar 2008 16:54

I notice 'born here' did not reply to the challenge of what is exactly wrong with Dawlish and what would make the place acceptable, without mentioning elderly again.

31 Mar 2008 17:35

If you have an opinion you would like to put forward ,why not write to the Town Clerk by 12noon on 4th April.
Hopefully it will be raised at the Annual Meeting.
Click on to whats on for more details.

born here
born here
31 Mar 2008 19:15

Some of us do work and have a life outside this forum
What is wrong with Dawlish?
Well for a start
There is nothing for the 16/18 year olds to do
Kids get moaned at if they skateboard on the lawn
Housing is unaffordable either bought or rented
If you want a night out its the pub or the occasional showing at the theatre
It is tourist orientated other than the Christmas market there is nothing which brings the community together out of the tourist season
Shops are closing
2 betting shops?
Drinking on the lawn
A large amount of drug abuse
etc etc

31 Mar 2008 21:19

er 'born here' I work 12 hours a day and over all holidays.
I assume the teenagers you refer to could learn 'something' with the help of the Library, years ago there were no computers, you've never had it so good .. 'there is life beyond a skateboard'. As I said before you clearly dislike Dawlish.. nothing positive, what about the new shop selling pictures next to the Gazette. See that does not get a mention. Can you list the shops that are actually closing?,
I think you should move really.

born here
born here
31 Mar 2008 22:54

I dont hate Dawlish but not want to see it go downhill.
All the shops in Old Town St., are closed there was a shop on the opposite corner of breaking wind at least one shop has gone from High St.
The new picture shop has seen people come and go over the last few years.
If a group of teenager are on the lawn they are assumed to be out for trouble. My dad says they used to have B B Q on the beach summer and winter we cant do that now.
There was the Richmond Hotel which was a good family venue and teenagers could go for dances etc

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