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General Discussion

Youth Council.

11 May 2008 16:23

I like the idea of a Youth Council....but i also have concerns and reservations regarding it's authenticity. Can we be certain that those elected are done so through a truly democratic process and not garnered from a Dawlish Council hatchery, where they have been groomed to retain the status quo.

Which begs the we really have a democratic Council at present, when it is such a closed shop? How can we trust a Council who feign rivalry, when behind closed doors they hold hands?
Perhaps they are stuck with the gum from those envelopes.....

12 May 2008 10:10

So you don't like your Councillors to get on with each other? Why?

Surely it's better that they can talk to each other and put political views to one side whilst making decisions for Dawlish?

The political parties are just a side issue in a Town Council. Perhaps you'd prefer them to be a loggerheads all the time and get nothing done?

The youth council will be elected by the youth of the town.

12 May 2008 18:36

So oblivious is in favour of keeping the status quo>

So you don't like your Councillors to get on with each other? Why?
That wasn't the point, we all have differences, so why shouldn't we know what those differences are when it comes to deciding what should or should not be?

Surely it's better that they can talk to each other and put political views to one side whilst making decisions for Dawlish?
Why would there be a need to talk to each other if they all have the same views? If they have different views, lets have them so that we can decide who is for or against.

The political parties are just a side issue in a Town Council. Perhaps you'd prefer them to be a loggerheads all the time and get nothing done?
Some will like lollipops others a chocbar, wouldn't you like to know who likes what?

The youth council will be elected by the youth of the town.
And how will that be conducted?

oblivious is bound is he/she not to answer?

12 May 2008 22:47


I think you are getting muddled. If you recall, i stated that our councillors feign rivalry, whilst secretly holding hands. I do not dispute that they work together, but my concern is that they do so for the benefit of their little selves to further pet projescts; all the while 'doing their bit' for OUR town to keep the 'brownie' points in the black.

It's not a point of not liking, it's more to do with not trusting....

Are you aware of how obstuctive OUR council is when it comes to transparency? Why do so many other local councils put DAWLISH council to shame with up to date, transparent content on their websites? Just what have DAWLISH council to hide?

I am not alone in my questioning; there are many other residents who dearly wish to see OUR council make decisions that improve DAWLISH, yet doesn't involve our councillors lining their pockets in the process.

I sincerely hope that the Youth Council, when chosen democratically, will forge ahead to become part of a council that it's residents can trust; rather than the staid, self-serving, back-scratching, shambles we have at present.

13 May 2008 09:41

I'm done with this forum, I've tried to see good in it and with some posters here I can.

Others just want to slag off and belittle those whose aims might just turn out to be the best interests of this town. Maybe I'm niaive but I know some of the councillors and they are good people.

The constant whinging is typical of the apathy in this town, you'll moan but do nothing to improve what you see fault in.

It was interesting to hear the leader of TDC Cllr Alan Connett say that in the past Dawlish has got nothing because Dawlish can't agree in what it wants - seems that that will continue.

How sad.

13 May 2008 12:50


It's a ahame you are quitting this forum, as i feel certain we could improve our town and local council with continued open debate. Something which is missing at Dawlish Town Council. Your point about the councillors you know being good people is valid, but sadly there is a hardcore, inner-circle at The Manor who are not.

I am not here to slag off or whinge, but to open the ears and eyes of Dawlish residents to the shenanigans by a select clique of Dawlish councillors who claim to represent the interests of our town. Sadly, these councillors are adept at keeping not only ALL of us residents in the dark, but it appears, many of their fellow councillors too.

Who are these good councillors you speak of? Maybe they can start a coup and rid us of those on the gravy-train.

The words of Alan Connett ring true because some councillors are too busy eyeing-up what's in it for them personally, rather than concentrating on the work they were elected to do. Prestige and personal gain should never be the remit of a councillor.

We need to cease this apathy and encourage as many Dawlish residents as possible to realise that they can have a real say in the running of their town rather than leave it in the hands of
the 'usual suspects'.

Dawlish Town Council should encourage as many residents as possible to meetings at The Manor as well as engaging us all in open, transparent debate on their (sadly lacking) website. At present, it is more akin to the secrecy of the Klu Klux Klan.

14 May 2008 07:00

Oblivious - don't stop posting please. I too get fed up with the all the negative comments that get posted here some of which quite easily border on the libellous.

Sometimes I agree with the likes of Bob S and Viaduct and sometimes not. But if the likes of you and me abandon this particular ship Backyard will become nothing but a "let's slag off Dawlish at every oppportunity possible" site.

So....just as a challenge then......Viaduct and Bob S. and the rest of you 'negatives' why don't you all do something out of character and write something positive about Dawlish for a change?

14 May 2008 11:23


Many comments may seem negative to you, but this is probably due to, a) your blindness to what really goes on, or, b) the fact that you are aware and wish to defend the indefensible.
As for libelous, how can that be so, when there is indisputable evidence and proof?

Myself and many other residents are doing all we can to ensure OUR town is not used to benefit just a few, who believe it is their right to abuse the system.

It is a natural instinct of people to resist change, but when it is shown that the change is for the better, then people will connect and a huge groundswell will ensue.

That's not negative...that's positive.

14 May 2008 12:34

So anon is asking oblivious not to, "stop posting"
and I quite agree.
However, anon also says, "negative comments that get posted here some of which quite easily border on the libellous," Perhaps anon would like to elaborate on that?
you then go on to say, "Sometimes I agree with the likes of Bob S and Viaduct and sometimes not. But if the likes of you and me abandon this particular ship Backyard will become nothing but a "let's slag off Dawlish at every oppportunity possible" site. "
Slagging off may be your way of putting it and I can't speak for Bob S, but my comments are trying to open peoples eyes.

14 May 2008 17:00

Well now, if you can prove what it is you say when you say what you do about our councillors then, quite simply, prove it.

I am not necessarily defending them I just want you to prove what you say about them.

14 May 2008 18:46

There is plenty of proof, but this evidence is for a court of law, not a forum. Why do you appear so uncomfortable with this spotlight on your councillors? Is it because you are one of them? Or one of the corrupt circle?

The investigations are magnifying....we will soon see who really wants to represent their Parish when the self-serving is curtailed. Time to jump ship before you go down with it.

14 May 2008 20:35

Has anyone been on the Dawlish Tomorrow website that we were told would be updated at the meeting last week with Yellow Book? Their website has not been updated for two years! How is that keeping in touch with residents?

14 May 2008 21:53

I notice all of you are always slagging off the council.

Then get off you fat backsides and put yourselves up for election.Simple really!

14 May 2008 22:00

outsider, get off your backside and attend Council meetings and you will understand why they are critised so much, as for becoming a councillor that is the best way to become gagged and lose your independence

14 May 2008 22:39


Do you realise that becoming part of the council entails falling in to line and succumbing to the clique. Standing and being elected en masse would be a solution but the reality is that being elected outside 'the circle' would result in that person being ostracised within days.

This is how the present system much for true democracy heh? Are you proud to defend such bullies? I am embarrassed to be represented by people whose agenda consists of money making, land grabbing, property acquisition and prestige. Oh, not forgetting the token gesture of council business. They are laughing in your face at your gullibility.

14 May 2008 23:22

I'm not sticking up for the crooks, i'm telling you to get off your backsides and fight them in elections" COME THE REVOLUTION " "POWER TO THE PEOPLE"

The Dawlish Liberation Front

15 May 2008 09:03

We are getting off our backsides and dissent is growing rapidly. But as you probably realise, these self-serving councillors will not put their hands up, confess and resign. They have their fingers in too many pies (and planning committees, etc) to let go of such gravy trains.

That is why my hope is that a Youth Council would help fumigate this den of collusion and rid Dawlish of these sly opportunists.

But my concern is that the Youth Council will be selected from those who are indoctrinated in to the practices of the present regime.

17 May 2008 22:54

Is there some independent authority that monitors and investigates councillors?

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