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General Discussion

Tescos have pulled out of Sandy Lane - official

Supermarket Sweep
Supermarket Sweep
30 Apr 2008 16:55

instead rumour has it that they are now looking at a building on what is presently a caravan/camping site. Lots of dosh going the way of the owners of the camping site if Tesco get planning permission to build there.

This camping site is not far away from Shutterton Bridge where Sainsbury wish to build.

Store wars!

30 Apr 2008 18:59

Tell you what, if I was offered the sort of money I hear they're offering for the campsite you wouldn't see me for dust!!!!

30 Apr 2008 19:05

I see mega congestion problems, mega destruction of wild life habitats and greed by developers on mega proportions.
Smaller shop keepers will be no longer, in spite of what some still think.
So Dawlish will become like any other place.
Nowhere to enjoy open space, nowhere to see swallows skimming over meadows green, or bats darting in the twilight. Butterflies will become more of a rarity than they are now and bees will be replaced by pollinators man-made.
So the daily time table will become. Rise at six, breaky after your ablutions. Jump in car to travel very slowly to work. Start work about 12, break for lunch. Start to think about the drive back home. Leave about 1 and slowly drive home. Arrive about 6, just in time to have an hour in front of the telly after tea, off to bed for a couple of hours and then start all over again.
What a wonderful sterile lifelife!!!!!

30 Apr 2008 19:11

And what good will it do the miserable b*stards that are getting it?

30 Apr 2008 21:18

I've heard £18m to the owners of the caravan site if Tesco get planning permission.

30 Apr 2008 21:42

Which caravan site is it rumoured to be ?

01 May 2008 08:10

Here's a clue:

What is the opposite of gentlemen?
What do 1,760 yards make?

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