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General Discussion


04 Feb 2008 19:56

Can anyone tell me why they cut the willow trees down by the brook on the Brunswick side they put the new pavement in to by pass them and then demoloish them a waste of trees and money what sort of cretins do we have running our affairs

04 Feb 2008 22:02

The same ones that have said its okay to fell all five trees forming one side of the avenue of trees that leads to/from the Sports Pavilion at Sandy Lane?

silver birch
silver birch
05 Feb 2008 05:15

Soon they will say the majority of the trees on the lawn are a danger because they produce conkers and we all know they are a "hazzard to the public" remember the lovely old yew tree in the manor who do these people think they are,

concerned visitor
concerned visitor
05 Feb 2008 09:00

I havent been to Dawlish for a few years not only are the trees vanishing what about the ducks does everyone make burgers out of them, its a shame they were a good attraction

05 Feb 2008 09:42

The trees. Yes, very sad isn't it?. It would seem that some in Dawlish feel that concrete should take priority over trees. I hope that some of them read these postings. Hopefully it should alert them to the fact that we are now aware of what they are up to.

05 Feb 2008 09:58

The trees in the Brunswick will grow back, that's what those type of willows do.

05 Feb 2008 15:04

That 'lovely old Yew' was unfortunately diseased. And willows grow back. Reading all these posts I feel like I'm surrounded by conspiracy theorists. What next? The council gonna do genetic testing on the residents of Dawlish?

silver birch
silver birch
05 Feb 2008 15:48

It will take years for them to grow back to their former glory.If they are going to let them grow back then why do it in the first place? surely a bit of pruning would have been sufficient!If it was because of the roots causing damage thats illogical because they will be growing even stronger to regain their growth. I thought they built the new pavement (at a huge cost) because of the trees.The Yew should have been allowed to die naturally most church yards have them in the same condition
Its nothing to do with conspiracy.Its a question of why we let these empty headed numshkulls be in a position of power

dont care
dont care
05 Feb 2008 17:10

Agree about the trees and the idiots running the council they are so thick they wont allow meetings to be open to the public cause they know they wouldnt be voted in agaain.The visitor is right about the ducks where have they all gone,not so many swans either, dont blame it on dogs when to you see packs of em rampaging the lawn.

silver birch
silver birch
05 Feb 2008 19:34

All i can say its very sad to see any tree decimated does it count toward carbon footprint

05 Feb 2008 22:00

The ducks are probably on the menu at Siew May, so if you want to save the ducks stop ordering crispy fried

silver birch
silver birch
05 Feb 2008 22:13

I rfeckon they go into kebabs

05 Feb 2008 22:17

Kebabs are either chikin or lamb, definitely not duck. Ifthe kebab meat was duck it would keep sliding off the spit with the amount of grease it contains

silver birch
silver birch
06 Feb 2008 14:39

wouldnt know Ime a veggie seriously where have all the ducks gone maybe its something to do with health and safety

concerned visitor
concerned visitor
06 Feb 2008 15:31

Nobody has explained why the trees were cut back so harshly or why there are hardly any ducks or swans left when I used to visit there was no "duck warden" they would be everywhere my friends in Luscombe Terrace even has them in their pond

06 Feb 2008 17:53

The ducks have all moved to a pond in a back garden in Luscombe Terrace....Problem solved!

06 Feb 2008 17:57

Pity the trees can't take refuge there 'n all!

06 Feb 2008 18:01

Probably the noise of the chainsaws scared the ducks away. At least they will get some peace and quiet in someones back garden

concerned visitor
concerned visitor
06 Feb 2008 18:18

Theres been no pond Luscombe for about 3 years, where have the ducks gone maybe the councillors could go to the same place

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