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General Discussion

Dave Can't Dance!

27 Jul 2008

Your postings are consumed with Matron. Anything you wish to share with us all?! Not sure you are fully recovered when you clearly spout gibberish. Take your pills Chicken Shed and repeat after me.....'i must not be a sycophant'.

Moaning Dawlish
27 Jul 2008

Can you prove what you claim? As for Matron....she has been pre-occupied with you...hence your absence! The local newsagent is concerned that you haven't collected your back-log of Daily Sport newspapers as well as the crayons you put by...

27 Jul 2008

pot kettle black chicken deacon?!

I see the penny has finally dropped in your slow mind......

Talking of bigots....where has the bigoted chicken been? In remand for his views?! Won't be long before he can enjoy detention in a more local setting.....namely the new Youth Centre.

Tesco given red light
27 Jul 2008

Got to be better than queing in the Co-Op. Huge queue at the tills, operator gets up and walks away to announce over the tannoy that the store will be closing in 20 miniutes ,"so please make your way to the checkouts".Brilliant. Time to get a new manager,if you ask me.

27 Jul 2008

Of course they sound out and trade will be from a 8-10 mile area.. if Dawlish people use it will be a first! .. well until they take a dislike to the staff, see an empty shelf or summit, it wont take them long until they find fault just mark my words.

Is that an offer?

Tesco given red light
27 Jul 2008

obviously locals will use them. Neither Tesco's or Sainsburys are stupid, they are making sound commercial judgements and would not throw millions away on building something that people will not use. They have built a few of these before, and Dawlish is not unique. They both know what they are doing and what they are doing is trying to get OUR money. What REALLY amazes me though is the attitude ...