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General Discussion

Youth Centre at Sandy Lane - what the fuss is about


Can someone please tell me how we have moved with an apparent sleight of planning application hand from

1. A youth/community centre being built for the use of the Dawlish young people and commuity


2. To this proposal whereby the lower floor will be "developed into a series of classrooms and training for disaffected, unemployed and poorly educated young people in Teignbridge".

It is claimed that neighbours and the local community have been consulted about the proposal. I would disagree. The community may have been consulted about (1) but they most definitely have not been consulted about (2).

Whilst Sandy Lane may be an appropriate place for a Youth Centre given that it is a leisure area, that does not make it an appropriate area for a youth training area.

What do you think?

Opening Times
Opening Times
10 Jul 2008 08:47

It is proposed that both the training area (for the dissafected, unemployed and poorly educated young people from the WHOLE OF TEIGNBRIDGE please remember) and the recreational area will both be open the following times.

Mon - Fri 0900 - 2200
Sat. 0900 -1200

Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays

NOT a youth centre
NOT a youth centre
10 Jul 2008 09:00

They are training until 10pm?????

Disaffected of Dawlish
Disaffected of Dawlish
10 Jul 2008 10:24

The planning application says that the ground floor would be for "Metal and Woodworking Machinery (Youth Training)".

Distinctly disaffected
Distinctly disaffected
10 Jul 2008 10:57

It is also claimed that no extra car parking facilities would be required because those using the youth training facilities would be mostly under the driving age (17).

How do they know that?

More information
More information
10 Jul 2008 12:10

According to this week's Gazette you can get more information on this if you go along to Dawlish Action for Youth (DAY) AGM this coming Monday July 14th at the Methodist Church Hall. 7.00pm

Disaffected Parent
Disaffected Parent
12 Jul 2008 09:22

Has any risk/health & safety assessment been done?

Has an traffic impact assessment been done?

Has any community consultation been done?

Answer: NO

Suggest we all tell the planning authorities that and remind our local councillors of that.

(and why are DAY in such a hurry to try and push this through?)

12 Jul 2008 10:04

It is yoof that is the driving force. Not all the yoof personally, but mention I am doing summin 4 yoof and you are then portrayed as a good person.
Yoof desire all sorts of needs, and pander to one of them especially if it is the in thing, then you are tops.
It doesn't matter what you masacre on the way, it doesn't matter if you deny other yoof their choice of doing fings, as long as it is the in fing of the day and u r doin summin about it, you will be king..... in the eyes of those half a dozen or so yoof that were a problem every where else.

12 Jul 2008 11:58

Well said Viaduct! I am sick of these councillors jumping on bandwagons to gain brownie points. Protheroe is especially prone to this.....with his Youth concerns. He was so caring of the Skaters needs, that he was prepared to hide their skills away, with his plans for a basement skate-park; highlighting how out of touch he and many of our councillors are with the youth and their needs.

I would suspect the only real agenda he and his cronies have for our youth, is to brainwash them into good, little, future, Roundtablers.

12 Jul 2008 14:19

has anyone asked the youth what they want?

Vox Pop
Vox Pop
13 Jul 2008 06:57

I believe the answer was a YOUTH CENTRE & SKATEPARK (dunno if they was asked about a training centre being on site - but I doubt it).

13 Jul 2008 08:35

Also WHICH youth did they ask? Dawlish or the whole of Teignbridge. Did ANY of them want to learn metalworking in their leisure time?

13 Jul 2008 08:37

They have a point if it's for Dawlish youth, but I don't think anyone's going to walk from Newton Abbot, so someone's got to get them to the training centre, I don't think they are all going to come by bus.

13 Jul 2008 22:52

Just think it will save the youth money as they will be able to make a knife rather than buying one.
Anyway the type of youth they are on about didn't like school first time around so there's not much chance of getting them in a classroom now.

13 Jul 2008 23:07

What exactly does disaffected mean?

14 Jul 2008 06:50

Resentful and rebellious, especially against authority.
What is the Ratcliff school for?

15 Jul 2008 11:49

when you look it up it says; lack of respect for authority, alienated, estranged. Nice!

15 Jul 2008 21:37

How many parents/grandparents would want their offspring mixing with the disaffected?
Except of course if you are a councillor or affiliated to one and then you would mix with anything if there was a plus in it.
Before they became disaffected, what were they affected/infected with?

16 Jul 2008 08:39

I certainly don't want my child mixing with one. Nor do I want him mixing with the disaffected.

Cool mum
Cool mum
16 Jul 2008 21:06

Walking in town early evening, skateboarders were in the toilets on the Lawns using wet toilet paper to throw over other kids, two young teenagers at Manor Park Gardens Playarea were throwing turf onto the toddlers slides. Looks like we already have the disaffected here!

Flaming mad mum
Flaming mad mum
17 Jul 2008 07:09

and the trouble will be, 'cool mum', that not only our disaffecteds but teignbridges disaffecteds will be heading for the same area of town - the youth training centre at Sandy Lane.

Youth Worker
Youth Worker
17 Jul 2008 13:17

It seems confusing to me how so many of you can be against this idea so soon. It seems to me to be a very positive thing for the community. The general plan I’m guessing will be that the training schemes planned for the disaffected youth will be running during the day and therefore your "innocent" children will have the centre in the evenings without having their sweet little minds being polluted with "how to make knives" and "what drugs to take"?!?!

Surely if the majority of people who are against this idea were involved with the local councils and community they would have already put their point across and not had to come onto this website to complain, because if it was a valid point it would have been taken into consideration. They are obviously too lazy to contribute unless it regards their own child.

No matter where you live there will always be troubled youth in and around your area, the fact that a lot of you seem against helping these young people is a real shame.

17 Jul 2008 13:42

PR rhetoric from someone blind to the corruption required for projects like this. Once again no consultation and no debate until it's in the public domain and too late to oppose.

DAY and Dawlish Town Council should be ashamed of their collusion to hush this through.

17 Jul 2008 13:43

We might well NOT be against this idea if someone had bothered to give us details. So, thank you for doing so.

It would have been nice to have been consulted BEFORE the planning application went in. We weren't. We only have the details from the planning application. Ergo the response.

and yes...I do care about my child. That's why the planning application got the response it did.

17 Jul 2008 13:51

Roy's had a sex change again.

17 Jul 2008 14:02

May i add that it is insulting using Youth Workers to put across points to legitimise this change of Youth Centre use. With respect to those Youth Workers, they, like us, are kept in the dark, as to what lengths the perpetrators will plot and scheme, to get their pre-determined plans through.

Are we really going to be proud of a Youth Centre that has been brought about by corruption and with little regard for what Dawlish residents think?

17 Jul 2008 14:05

It's called politics.

Poli means many......and tics are blood sucking parasites.

Youth Worker
Youth Worker
17 Jul 2008 14:49

Would it have been better then if I had put my name down as "Father"? Its nice to know your ignorance has automatically assumed that I am posting this because someone has asked me rather than putting my own opinion down.

I don't understand how a youth centre being built in Dawlish that is going to create a place for all young people to socialise and keep off the streets is such a problem? Is it the fact that as soon as the idea came about you weren't informed or for the fact that they will be using the centre as a teaching base and you dont want anyone outside of Dawlish coming in?

17 Jul 2008 15:55

I don't believe you are a youth worker. I've done a lot of youth work and neither me or my colleagues had the information that you have. This whole episode comes across as highly suspicious and deeply corrupt. This is all about money, admit it?

17 Jul 2008 17:21

To respond to Youth Worker - I cannot speak for any others, but from my point of view it most certainly might well have helped DAY's cause if DAY had consulted with parents, residents etc and in doing so publicised what they were thinking of doing.

They didn't - which hasn't helped what they are trying to achieve one iota.

Those who might have helped them achieve their aims have been alienated.

Bad, bad, bad, public relations.

17 Jul 2008 17:27

Please read what is written before making stupid accusations. I said "I Guess" not "I know". And my guess is based on the fact that kids that arn't calssed as dissafected youth are generally in school during the day and therefore cannot be at the centre.

If you have worked with youth before you should understand the benefit of this centre.

17 Jul 2008 17:32

Why does our Youth Centre require training facilites? Don't we have Colleges for those purposes? What have Dawlish Action For Youth and Dawlish Town Council gained out of agreeing this new project? I thought Youth Centre's were just about recreation.

I believe what others are saying about this being a job centre addition. The more i learn about this, the more i am concerned for our kids. It sounds more like a remand centre than a place for children to relax.

17 Jul 2008 17:34

To be outrageous....
I dont see the problem of problem teens teaching our children what drugs to take, or how to make knives. As my friends and classmates are ignorant and influenced easily enough to already know these things and more.

17 Jul 2008 17:39

I add. And bored enough due to the council not providing us with a single thing upto to now.
It stands to reason that if we have nothing to do. we will result to drugs to dull the boredom away.
Anyways the middle aged middle class have no high horse to stand upon. let us remember the 80s

17 Jul 2008 17:42

For those of us familiar with the corruption that permeates throughout our Council, it's no surprise that we have ended up with something for the youth of our town with strings attached. How else would our Councillors get hold of this amount of funds? By doing a deal, of course! The malfeasance that takes place in the name of Dawlish is indefensable!

Others have said the same and i agree....this smacks of some form of remand centre. An add-on to the CCTV we already keep an eye on our bad, bad, youngsters. When are we going to get something similar to keep an eye on our Council?

Youth Worker
Youth Worker
17 Jul 2008 17:49

In response to parent (my other post under anon was not aimed at you) I understand the frustration caused in that you could have been notified better (I am not actually sure what has been said or who has been notified about things so cannot comment on this matter though)

It still seems to me though to be a very beneficial project for the area like a lot of the other youth centres in Teignbridge. Obviously everyone has a different opinion on it but it is a shame that it has turned into people making absurd comments.

17 Jul 2008 17:52

If that is the case, then why do we have to have this training Centre? Why are we not building just a Youth Centre and leave it at that? Somewhere along the way, it looks as if our children were the last thought in this crazy plan. And why were these plans not out in the open to all of us a long time ago when first discussed?!

17 Jul 2008 18:05

It's obvious! Without doing a deal for this multi-use Centre, our financially inept and useless Dawlish Town Council would not have been able to build a Youth Centre. They obviously did whatever they could to avoid this embarrassing admittance of ineptitude to the people of Dawlish, that they pulled off this scam.

17 Jul 2008 18:09

with lots of outsiders in dawlish we could end up with knife crime

17 Jul 2008 22:27

Does anyone think this could have been planned all along? There are devious hammer-heads known as councillors, who tell you what you are going to get, instead of asking you what you want. There was a huge consultation exercise, (16 people voted in favour of CCTV out of 12,000) and the funny thing is, there are just 16 councillors.

CCTV was brought in on the back of, "the fear of crime".

We know there is not enough crime in Dawlish to justify such massive expenditure of public funds.

They knew there was not enough crime to justify it, so in the planning process of the Youth Center, they will import criminals of any description from all over Teignbridge, to justify everything.

There does not appear to be any other logical explanation.

18 Jul 2008 11:58

Thing is - the planning says it's FOR offenders, druggies, etc. But DAY says it isn't. Who is it for then?

18 Jul 2008 20:48

The way I read it - it's for all of them. It;s for youth of dawlish and for offenders/problem kids of TEIGNBRIDGE. Keep the streets quiet everywhere else now, everywhere but here.

19 Jul 2008 20:23

If you say so Roy you tranny

19 Jul 2008 20:30

Dont worry youth worker, its not multi-posters against it, its just Roy and his multi-posting.
Viaduct,Mother,Anon its all one sad creature who has a bitter twisted grudge against the council,carnival commitee,round table, any buisness people and everyone who lives in our beloved Dawlish. He's just a sad twat who hates the youth of our town.If only he would get a wife to keep him busy instead of posting garbage all day long.

Multi talented
Multi talented
19 Jul 2008 20:33

Mother or should we say Roy, didnt you claim to have worked with the homeless, then you'd been a nurse treating drug addicts and now you've been a youth worker. Your imagination is running wild tonight.

19 Jul 2008 20:37

Is it for the nutter Roy to give him something to do.

19 Jul 2008 20:39

Congratulations Roy/Viaduct/Mother on becoming a parent. Was this the immaculate conception. Man in dress gives birth even though he's a virgin.

19 Jul 2008 21:05

MOFO'S MATE; What garbage has Roy been posting, or is it because you do not understand what he is saying and the best you can come up with is that what he is saying, is garbage? That is what I call a copout!

nother mother
nother mother
20 Jul 2008 09:07

Cool mum - you say the disaffecteds are arleady here, and so they are, they are in every part of society. The problem with this proposal is that its going to create a concentration of them. And bring them in from all over Teignbridge to really increase the pack instinct and trouble-making. I don't think anyone has thought this through.

22 Jul 2008 13:01

who is going to be making sure that them leaving the centre is quiet and peaceable? who's in charge of that Id like to lknow

24 Jul 2008 12:04

Are sainsburys going to give DAY some money?

25 Jul 2008 08:23

Tesco's might.

27 Jul 2008 09:37

Is that an offer?

the governor
the governor
29 Jul 2008 15:12

Why should we be so concerned about a few disaffected young people coming to Dawlish when we have so many disaffected adults already contaminating the place with their prejudiced and vindictive views

The Governess
The Governess
29 Jul 2008 16:38

How do you know it is a few?

If you are so informed than please tell us all that you know.

For example- please tell us what 'disaffected' means in the context of that planning application.

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