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General Discussion

Its wonderfull
23 Jun 2008

That's exactly the point....while your busy not caring....OUR councillors can get away with whatever they want...and have been doing so for many years! Everything OUR councillors do affects YOU and YOUR DAWLISH...but you can't see further than your long as you're enjoying what you have. Our councillors are laughing at people like allows them to use council business for their ...

well said! prove the council are honest by having open, transparent (and fully recorded) council meetings! and a website that informs to the fullest extent, like other councils! instead, winchester is there to protect the councillors from their ineptitude.

Place to Visit
22 Jun 2008

can someone reply please?

i actually think the majority of the residents of dawlish are lovely people, friendly and down to earth. I unfortunately am just replying to a few who have been rude to me and certain people on this site. I do not see my comment as am i exaggerating my own importance? I haven't spoken about myself. I was ust agreeing :)

Tom Scobie
22 Jun 2008

I think The Dawlish Gazette will be interested in this. How long were Dawlish Clown Council planning this placement of Mr Scobie on the paper? He won't last long...he will go the same way as Jonathan Wright.

I'm afraid Dawlish is full of dogs.

Place to Visit
22 Jun 2008

Hi. Me and my partner are coming to visit in august and would like to know a few places to go that are nice? WE are staying in a quiet campsite (not one of those touristy places) and want to try and find the stuff off the beaten track as it were... We are young so hills aint a problem lol.

the youth of today
22 Jun 2008

Oh. By the way, I see no record in this thread of you stating its only a minority of young people. Maybe you should heed your own words... depart to torquay and be a dear :D

Shurrup you puff

22 Jun 2008

watch for developments in the next 2-3 weeks as work should start then pending on the weather as if we have trerechal rain then the omcrete wont dry etc