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General Discussion

Its wonderfull

29 Mar 2008 19:12

Despite the rain etc Waking up here in Dawlish is Wonderfull little crime nice people a beautifull coastline what else do we need

29 Mar 2008 19:43

Agree with you

23 May 2008 20:55

Hear, hear!

23 May 2008 21:17

Agree except for one thing......would be even better if we could have a local council which isn't corrupt. This Town is wasted on these greedy, arrogant leeches.

23 May 2008 21:21

Stop continiously whinging and stand for election then.

This place is brilliant

23 May 2008 21:36

Are you really that blind to what your councillors really get up to?

If you are, then question them, not me. I THINK YOU WILL BE ENLIGHTED BY THEIR DUPLICITY. That is, unless you are one of the sheep who follow in their footsteps like a hollow being.

23 May 2008 22:04

Dawlish IS wonderful. I don't know about the council, but you're making a lot of noise about it, as are some others. If there are irregularities, and if, as suggested you can be specific then let us know. If you have this information I presume you don't want to keep it to yourself. So what exactly is it that you're grumbling about - I'm open minded: convince me then!

22 Jun 2008 19:11

Its nice to hear people saying nice things about Dawlish for once :)

dont care
dont care
23 Jun 2008 01:17

I really dont care what the council gets up to it does not stop anyone from enjoying what we have.
To be that strung up on the council you have to mention them on every thread seems to me you have obsessive compultion disorder.
Otherwise you would not want to spoil threads as you do.
Make an appointment at the quacks a.s.p

23 Jun 2008 06:20

Dawlish is a lovely place, ive been here 10 years now and i still say that. it hasnt got all he ameities like exeter or plymouth but we have public transpot that is easy assessable and we have a main road that leads to paces etc.

the only grumble i have about dawlish is that when tourists come down they have no disregard from the locals and leave there rubbish everywhere, fair enough its only a small majority tha do this.

23 Jun 2008 09:06

That's exactly the point....while your busy not caring....OUR councillors can get away with whatever they want...and have been doing so for many years! Everything OUR councillors do affects YOU and YOUR DAWLISH...but you can't see further than your long as you're enjoying what you have. Our councillors are laughing at people like allows them to use council business for their own personal benefit, while you ignorantly think everything will be fine.

How can threads be spoilt?! That's what they are there for.....debate and discussion! Postings against the council are done to open up the eyes and minds of those who are not aware of what is really going on with our councillors and how they abuse their positions. WAKE UP!

23 Jun 2008 09:25

the previous post is addressed to 'dont care'

23 Jun 2008 11:08

I notice you are unable to list the actual facts?
Please move away from Dawlish and leave the place in peace.

23 Jun 2008 11:37

Leave Dawlish in peace....or to allow councillors to continue their abuse of a council position? Not all councillors are tarred with indirect and shifty fact, a few are oblivious to the corruption that takes place, mainly due to the fact they are excluded from the 'inner-circle'.

Closer inspection highlights that this 'inner-circle' consists of long-serving councillors, determined to remain on the council as it has been extremely profitable to them, over the years. How would the likes of Hockin or Protheroe have fared with setting up businesses, or planning applications, without the benefits of being a councillor? They fool the public with their PR duties....but more and more residents of Dawlish are starting to realise the real purpose of their council office.

dont care
dont care
23 Jun 2008 13:39

Anon what our councillors do will not stop me enjoying Dawlish.
The council being corrupt if true is a different matter.
As you seem to have 'insider' information suggest you name and shame.
When the next election are here suggest you stand for election your platform could be 'Corrupt Councillors'
I personally think local council elections should be held every two years at the most and members should be Mrs Jones or Mr Smith etc.

23 Jun 2008 14:14

The question is how much more corruption and abuse of position by our councillors will take place when Parish councils get more local powers?

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
24 Jun 2008 10:50

Another thread destroyed by the insane (Roy/Viaduct/Nigel/ANON). This thread was about how good it is in Dawlish, yet you still have to rant on about the council.Do you not understand that you are boring us to death.If you want to post about them then keep it on your own thread .Leave us in peace you moron!

24 Jun 2008 11:55

The question is how much more corruption and abuse of position by our councillors will take place when Parish councils get more local powers?

24 Jun 2008 22:47

Who cares apart from you, ya sad twat

25 Jun 2008 07:21

More people than you imagine... Dawlish Clown Council was previously able to collude in dishonest practices undetected.....not any more! The council are now being watched at every move.....and any untoward activity will be addressed and stopped.

25 Jun 2008 22:17

Yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn why don't you piss off

25 Jun 2008 22:37

chicken shed/anon/joey deacon/joe orton/rhode island red

your assumption that only one person is debating and discussing our corrupt dawlish council on this forum is way off the mark.....and might i add....arrogant.

perhaps you should be highlighting the fact that roundtable and rotary numbers are dwindling.....hence the protheroes attempting to recruit customers in their pub....and those customers staying away because of the pressure and harrassment to attend roundtable/rotary meetings.

There are many of us.....but we all don't have to meet every week to discuss what latest wheeze we can implement to make us more money personally.

On a previous many times have you made smutty, disrespectful remarks to the waitresses at these meetings? They may be employed by your mayor and serve your food, but that does not entitle you to treat them in such a demeaning way. So much for gentleman evenings heh?

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
25 Jun 2008 23:03

The lunatics are taking over the asylum.

Do you actually think i would waste my time putting a comment like that. I find it much more fun ripping it out of you, and making you look small.

Its like a little child thats lost an argument, that resorts to repeating himself. Next you'll be putting your fingers in your ears and going lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalaalalalalalalalalalalalaallalalalalalalallalalalalla, i cant hear you.

26 Jun 2008 09:46

chicken shed

I think you will find that the rise is being taken out of you....but you are too dumb to register anything but your narrow minded opinions. Typical council/cronie arrogance to assume only your comments are the truth. I believe that is known as bullying. You also seem to have the gift of hypocrisy, by accusing others of the very things you do.

I suggest you give your postings for hockin to read out in the grounds of the manor house....with his stentorian voice, you may strike lucky and get some ignoramuses to actually believe what you say!

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
27 Jun 2008 09:33

Viaduct(sorry anon), you make a bigger fool of yourself by the day.

Where in your tiny warped mind have you got the idea i am a councillor or one of his cronies from. Do you really think i would waste my time representing arsewipes like yourself on a two bit council.

My gripe is that a complete nutter , sabotages this forum with his insane ramblings about a council that he claims to know so much about.

Mine and many other people on here still have the same opinion of you .


27 Jun 2008 09:55

I remember a certain EX town councillor by the name of Rev Dr Tom Bush coming out with the very same comment, "PUT UP OR SHUT UP".
I wonder if you have any connections Chicken shed?

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
27 Jun 2008 13:38

I agree. Chicken Shed is SO obviously Tom Bush. I can't believe that none of us didn't realise this before!

In fact, I'm sure that when Reverend Doctor Chicken Bush (or is it Doctor Reverend Tom Shed?) types his messages on here, he's doing so whilst sitting on the grassy knoll next to his best mate Elvis.

gagaga dribble gagaga


P.S. Does that quote mean that I've got a connection with Kurt Cobain?

27 Jun 2008 17:49

chicken shed.....for someone who dismisses the council as two-bit, you appear to be doing a lot to defend them.

Joey deacon.....tom bush is a fraud. Fact! Also, i wouldn't be surprised if your inane comments are, in fact, those of tom scobie and his parochial friends.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
27 Jun 2008 19:47

Praise the Lord you found me out. I am the Reverend. Sorry i couldnt reply earlier i was tending my flock. God i love those SHEEP, especially when i get them in the SHED (50 points to me i think).

Are you telling me that you dont like Bush, i love it.

Now Dawlish forum flock, LET US PRAY

Please relieve us from the monotonous moron who is obviously very lonely.Please find him a good woman/rainbow man to take away his pent up frustration.


Now we will sing him number 79 in the blue book

"oh we do like to be beside the seaside ,
oh we do like to be beside the sea"

27 Jun 2008 20:04

Bush?! Embarrassing and puerile humour which exposes your low IQ. Turn off your computer and watch your jim davison videos....or leave it on and google mother-in-law jokes.

Enjoy your football and real ale joey shed....simple things for uneducated minds.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
27 Jun 2008 21:02

That Chicken Shed is such a buffoon!

gagaga dribble gagaga (head implodes)

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