Good point. Well done to the Ugly Duckling and a really good business run by nice people. They deserve to do well.
Property prices rocketed due to greedy 'buy to let' investors snapping up all the lower value homes for inflated rental price investments. This has generated a false economy, built on ridiculously inflated property values (still about 40% above realistic according to most serious economists). If you are a buy to let 'investor', then shame on you. You have the next generation to answer to for the ...
We can't do anything about global warming, which is a natural cyclical event that the planet has undergone peridically for 2 billion years. Buying a hemp shopping bag and recycling our tea bags will not change that and we are not at fault, despit what the govt. wants us to think. We can however, do something to help the people of Burma. Invade the place and get rid of its stupid senseless fascist ...
How many of us would have the balls to stand up and sell the Big Issue, putting up with the kind of abuse that they do. Most of them (and I have close contact with this organisation) use the meagre funds to get themselves into some sort of accommodation, often helped by the Big Issue Organisation, or maybe buy a meal. Good luck to this guy and go buy the Issue to support not just him but the ...
I also forgot but followed through after braking wind.
Well said Dullish. Get rid of the local council I say. It's all a bit Liliputian (or Little Britain?) here in Dawlish. Complete waste of time and money, especially the 'mare'. I'm no LibDem (or any other breed) but; How about local income tax with a weighting on holiday camps to pay for seasonal demand on services?
Lets have some suggestions and ideas to raise this town out of the mid 20th century. Set our sights high in this respect mind you. Think about lay-out, presentation, events, what standards we as residents and customers of the local businesses and indeed of the council want and have the right to demand. This place needs a really good make over and could be a superb town - not just for the tourists ...
Completely agree. There is a large car park within walking distance and could you imagine how nice The Strand and Brunswick Place could be? Decent cafe's, shops and bars, outside tables, nice lighting etc etc. And all overlooking what could be a fab park and gardens with entertainments etc. What a place we could have!
Good point, but the cliffs there aren't quite as unstable as they are at Scarboro'. It's just a fairly poor hotel that has pretentions and like most businesses in Dawlish, could and should be far better.
What a load of tosh.