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General Discussion

House Prices

15 May 2008 13:08

Going down down down slump.. that though is exactly what people wanted, but can I blame Backyard as a contribution for people not wanting to buy and live here?
I still wish there was some kind of moderation, all these idiot, slag off postings do nothing for Dawlish or anyone at all. Just shows the kind of people.

15 May 2008 15:59

You are off your trolley chump. House prices going down has nothing to do with this forum or comments made on it.
Past greed is one of the culprits.

15 May 2008 16:49

I knew it, Anti-Dawlish Viaduct would reply.
Only asked for a sensible response, simply not possible.

Semi detached
Semi detached
15 May 2008 17:00

And there was I thinking that the fall in house prices was due to the US sub-prime mortgage crisis when all along it turns out it's been due to the postings on Backyard!

For once I agree with Viaduct.

15 May 2008 17:06

Dear hmm

I agree with Viaduct...just exactly what are you on?! At least you get to air your view on this forum/site. That's more of a democracy than your local council affords you. My contributions and i assume, the postings of others, are not to 'slag off' as you put it, but to enlighten people as to what truly goes on in dawlish regarding OUR council.

Debate is not only taking place on this site, but amongst residents face to face and in meetings; with the sole purpose to ensure that we are represented by councillors who are honest and transparent in their duties. Many residents, through research and investigation have, sadly discovered that this is not the case.

Would you like to know what really goes on in you town, or do you wish to be kept in the dark? Because your town council would be most happy with the latter.

To state that people would not live in Dawlish because of a forum is ludicrous. As regards property purchasing, maybe you should look at how many houses/properties many of our councillors have amassed on their portfolios.
You wont find any of those for sale....

If it's moderation you seek, then i suggest you move to a country that doesn't allow freedom of speech. China perhaps? Where your totalitarian wishes will be granted.

15 May 2008 17:08

I should have said the Council, subject so adored. I am glad is not part of the HIPS lol.

15 May 2008 17:11

.. so much waffle there.

What then is the right sale price of a 2 bed house in Dawlish?
At least I woke you all up!

15 May 2008 17:24

So, points well made with sentences and paragraphs equals waffle? With your original statement, it would appear you are just the kind of dullard our council has preyed upon all these years.

Revel in your ignorance as it's probably all you have.

15 May 2008 22:08

The whole world is in a slump food prices are rocketing everywhere over priced houses
slightly falling in value.
It is not the end of the world ANNONe

17 May 2008 00:05

Property prices rocketed due to greedy 'buy to let' investors snapping up all the lower value homes for inflated rental price investments. This has generated a false economy, built on ridiculously inflated property values (still about 40% above realistic according to most serious economists). If you are a buy to let 'investor', then shame on you. You have the next generation to answer to for the lack of affordable homes and the current housing crisis.

17 May 2008 09:52

There are at least five of your Town Cllrs that should be shamed then!
Here are just a few.
One lives at Kingsdown and has property in Leighham Court, Another lives Branscombe Lane and has a buy to let property at Wellingtonia Park, Exeter and the Mayor has property all over the place, too numerous to mention on here.
A friend of mine is gathering further data.

17 May 2008 22:24

I'd be keen to find out if any of the 'mare's' Dawlish property has required planning of any sort.

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