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General Discussion

Big Issue!


Dawlish have now got a big issue man!!! Fair play to the chap always a smile on his face usually stands outside boots or co-op. Surely this hansom fella could get a better job in this town. Look out for him and buy a big issue!

15 May 2008 10:14

Remember whilst reading it, each Big Issue you buy puts him one step closer to his grave.

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
15 May 2008 12:51

How did you work that out, anon?

15 May 2008 20:56

also he's polish or something like that

15 May 2008 20:57


Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
15 May 2008 22:01

A polish, unemployed hobo?... And who said Dawlish wasn't multi-cultral. Honestly, you people need to spend some time in the city and open your minds. Won't be long before you make him into a tourist attraction and sell tickets to see him. (only don't give HIM any money or he may die quicker, eh Anon?)

never mind
never mind
15 May 2008 22:01

Oh he is Polish SO!!!I buy the Big Issue it is an interesting read.
Why should someone selling B.I's necessarily
be a druggie or a drunk. It is a legitimate
job, it helps the homeless there are articles about global warming the enviroment etc etc even good jobs advertised in it.
If he had been dressed as a Moslem you would
no doubt brand him as a terrorist.

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
15 May 2008 22:09

Mmm... Anon seems to have gone a bit quiet. Me thinks he feels guilty and has just "popped" out to by the BI from "that nice polish man outside the co-op"

Pride Prejudice
Pride Prejudice
16 May 2008 05:41

You forgot to say "that nice polish HOMELESS man outside the co-op".

Anymore 'nasties' we can all throw at him?

If you want to get things in perspective see Olive's posting on separate thread about China and Burma. But there again they're foreigners aren't they, so p'raps not!

16 May 2008 10:03

No Joeys fan i have not gone quiet , i just do not live on this forum.
So you know lots of B.I sellers do you?
Well i used to be one and the magority of us were hooked on drugs or were alcoholics.The reason we did it was to get our next fix.

Surely you donot think they stand out in the cold and wet, rather than get a job for no reason at all. It is because most are unfortunatley so drug or drink dependant that they can not hold a job.

So as i stated " think of the person you have sent closer to their death why you read it"

never mind
never mind
16 May 2008 11:02

Anon times have changed B.I is now a bona fida
job. There is a young woman in Teignmouth who
sells it she is obviously Muslim as she wears
a headscarf I doubt she is a druggie or alcoholic!!!.
Many people work outside in all weathers.
By selling the B.I they have got out of the
homeless situation, they have to buy the
magazine from the publishers this money goes
to help other homeless people.
Of course some B.I. sellers will be druggies
etc same as Doctors Policemen Milkmen etc.

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
16 May 2008 17:36

Anon, While I understand the reasons for YOU selling the BI, you can't stereotype all sellers with the same. I have been a Drug & Alcohol dependent nurse in the cities, and as Never Mind states, not all "druggies and alcoholics" are BI sellers. I have treated other nurses, successfull businessmen and women and teachers amongst others. Maybe the seller in Dawlish is genuinely trying to get some money to live, maybe to put a deposit on a bedsit. So, no... not "every issue you buy will be taking him closer to his grave", it MAY be taking him closer to a more secure life... They are not all like you (thankfully)

16 May 2008 17:51

Well said anon! Trouble with many on this forum is that they have tunnel vision. When they give to charities, do they really know what happens to it? I doubt it!

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
16 May 2008 18:05

Ah... Viaduct. Another one with stereotypical views? Are all Muslims terroists? Are all young people yobs? Are all BI sellers keeping the money to buy drugs? What a boring, predictable world you must live in.

16 May 2008 19:55

Joey's fan..... must know something about big issue sellers that the rest of us are ignorant about. So spill the beans sucker.

16 May 2008 21:05

Joey's fan, you really are a patronising idiot.
You have met loads of B.I . sellers have you or just the odd one like most people, you have lived on the streets have you, NO I DOUBT IT .

Dis i say all are drug addicts or alcoholics? NO. But through the hundreds i have met in many cities 75% or above are .Are you trying to say that 75% of Doctors , Nurses ,Lawyers or bin men are?

As for the comment about B.I. now beinga legitamate buisness that donates profits to the homeless..IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN!

May i suggest you stand outside the B.I. office in Exeter, the next time you visit and take a look at the poor souls that are going in. Take a long hard look into their eyes, you'll soon be able to see if they are doing it to get a few penny's together to get a roof over their heads or for their next fix.

You will have to take your head out of your arse to do this though .

16 May 2008 21:13

Sucker? Is that the best you can do. I know that Big issue sellers are people who have found themselves in a situation in which they need help to get out of. Granted, sometimes they are to blame for the situation, but sometimes they aren't. They all apply for the job and are interviewed and trained to carry it out. They are monitered and checked by the charity who employ them. IF at any time they are found to be selling the big issue whilst under the influence of any substance they have their badge taken off them and can't sell it. They only get a very small percentage of the money they take from each magazine. They are often intelligent, well educated people who are trying to make the best of a bad situation, usaully with grace, pride and quite frankly, guts... Over to you Viaduct

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
16 May 2008 21:20

Sucker? Is that the best you can do. I know that Big issue sellers are people who have found themselves in a situation in which they need help to get out of. Granted, sometimes they are to blame for the situation, but sometimes they aren't. They all apply for the job and are interviewed and trained to carry it out. They are monitered and checked by the charity who employ them. IF at any time they are found to be selling the big issue whilst under the influence of any substance they have their badge taken off them and can't sell it. They only get a very small percentage of the money they take from each magazine. They are often intelligent, well educated people who are trying to make the best of a bad situation, usaully with grace, pride and quite frankly, guts... Over to you Viaduct

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
16 May 2008 21:25

Oh. And you Anon.

never mind
never mind
16 May 2008 22:15

For goodness sake get rid of the bigotry.
Next you will be having a go at buskers.
Before you judge talk to a B.I. seller, buy
one and read it.
If I won the lottery I would buy houses in
Dawlish and let the homeless, Muslims,
Polish, etc stay for a holiday free oh and
disadvantaged kids

Disgusted Resident
Disgusted Resident
16 May 2008 23:00

Joey fan/never mind , get a life you sad twat.

Fancy posting complete and utter shit about a serious subject under two names.

You dont have a clue what your talking about.

Get back to talking about floaters, its all your fit for.

16 May 2008 23:32

How many of us would have the balls to stand up and sell the Big Issue, putting up with the kind of abuse that they do. Most of them (and I have close contact with this organisation) use the meagre funds to get themselves into some sort of accommodation, often helped by the Big Issue Organisation, or maybe buy a meal. Good luck to this guy and go buy the Issue to support not just him but the organisation. There are some really narrow minded, smug idiots in this town.

17 May 2008 10:39

Joey's fan , never mind or Fluke which name will you be using next ? Olive

17 May 2008 11:33

How did B.I sellers get themselves into that situation?

Saying that they are interviewed and trained, is like saying, "drug takers are told there is no harm in taking drugs", the interviewers have one aim in mind, To get some SUCKER to sell/use the goods.

Monitoring my arse!

Whilst under the influence is the norm for most of the sellers, get them to have a drugs test.

What do you consider to be a small percentage, 50p, 80p or a £1? it isn't less, that's for sure!

Wil Joey's Fan and the numb intelligence it has, be out there selling the B.I. shortly?

Some people think there is a clean end to a lump of turd.

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
17 May 2008 11:59

Can I assure you i AM only person. I accidently forgot to put my name in a post i sent and it came up as Anon. Granted, you will never see me and them in the same room at the same time, but we ARE two people.
All I have been trying to do is stick up for the BI seller. People are saying they are all drug takers etc.... I'm saying they aren't. Still, it made for a good thread

17 May 2008 22:58

And I'm not Joey's Fan or Anon. I think we should give this vendor our support and buy one.

voice of freedom
voice of freedom
18 May 2008 17:42

Viaduct i finally agree with you on something.

Seems to me that someone who keeps posting, has something to gain from the selling of big issue.

As for them having balls , standing their all day taking abuse. Maybe they should get a job(or cant they due to drug or drink dependance).

As for the Muslim sponger,just because they arent supposed to drink or take drugs, doesnt mean they dont. Their not supposed to commit crimes either, yet 28%(2006 last figures) of people in Young Offender Institutes are Muslim (mostly for drug offences or robbery to feed their drug habbits)

18 May 2008 20:05

Have you ever thought that these people may not have been so lucky to have had a family or the support they needed before things got that bad for them?

18 May 2008 21:28

Big Issue people are not spongers they buy the
manazine then sell it on.
Because of this topic I bought my first one
yesterday in Exeter it was interesting.
A lot of people are homeless because they have
run away from abuse at home, or through
family breakdown.
A lot of you would be far better subscribing
to a Christian Fundamentalist mazazine, with
all you bigoted thoughts.

18 May 2008 22:03

There could be a suggestion here that the parents of the BI sellers are responsible for BI sellers action. Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Why do people try and turn the tables and blame everyone else but?

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
19 May 2008 15:03

Yes you are barking up the wrong tree. It's not about who's to blame, only that it's happened and that they are trying to do something about it.

19 May 2008 16:18

Ok! so I may be barking up the wrong tree, but have your friends who sell the BI, signed on at the job centre?

If no, why not?

If yes, are the job centre staff aware that he is already employed selling BI's.

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
19 May 2008 16:38

What makes you think I have friends who sell BI? Another assumption you've jumped to? People who sign on are allowed to make a certain amount of money before it effects their benefits, I think its about £15. I can't imagine they make much more than that, if they do, well, shall we just assume they are above board and declare it.

19 May 2008 21:09

Not going to put a roof over their heads then is it(as you previous claimed was the reason they did it).Bit of a contradiction from you.

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
19 May 2008 22:23

Oh God... Are you just going to pick on everything? They have housing benefit to put a roof over their heads, but they have to start somewhere. You can't get housing benefit unless you have an address to send it to and you can't get an address without housing benefit. it's a catch 22. Think about that while sitting in front of your cosy fire with your cosy slippers...

19 May 2008 22:32

I was pointing out the some of the causes of homelessness,
Why would anyone want to sign on if they are selling the B.I., it is a JOB a bona fida one, the person selling earns money and also helps
others by buying it in the first place

20 May 2008 07:45

Na! na! don't give us that bollocks.
Do they pay tax, do they pay N.I. do they pay for anything other than?????

20 May 2008 09:59

Olive. You will never reason with the uneducated that stoop to such words.

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
20 May 2008 10:06

Oh Viaduct. I'm not sure anymore whether you actually AGREE with what you write or you just like to be controversial, either way you're not doing yourself any favours. Stick with what you know, mate...

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