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08 May 2008 06:41

Here's a topic to get stuck into. "Does anyone really care how much they pay in council tax?" And if they do, "Do they think they pay too much or too little?". If the former, do you know why? if the latter, why not start a charity that would help to support your local authority.

08 May 2008 10:05

Should be based on the number of people over 18 living in the house. So say £800 per person and the same throughtout the UK, is so silly different areas have different charges. Do away with local councils and have a central fund.

Poll Tax
Poll Tax
08 May 2008 13:50

That sounds like a poll tax to me. Hmmmm let me think now who's introduce that before? Thinks..........I know, Richard II and Margaret Thatcher. Both ended up with revolts on their hands because of it.

08 May 2008 14:27

Yes, but if you have an elderly mum living alone or a single person. I know there is the 25% reduction now, but fairer to have a charge per person. The idea Mrs T had was not presented well enough ... she should have got Tesco to do it 'Every little helps!'

Poll Tax
Poll Tax
08 May 2008 16:44

Well, as you think it's so marvellous then, you present it.

The floor is yours. Just where exactly do you think Dick and Maggie went wrong?

Mr Trebus
Mr Trebus
08 May 2008 20:52

I'll tell you what I do expect considering the amount of council tax we pay: my bins to be emptied more than once a bloody fortnight. It stinks , literally!

08 May 2008 22:24

The political tide turned, just as it has now for Labour.

never mind
never mind
08 May 2008 23:26

I have friends who live in France and Spain,
In Spain my friend pays no water rates and there equivalent to Council Tax is about £300 a year.They get their bins emptied every day.
In France my friend pays less than £250 a year don't know about water, they get their bins emptied twice a week
Neither live in a tourist area both own really lovely homes
As for a charity no way

Poll Tax
Poll Tax
09 May 2008 06:12

Yes, the political tide turned for Thatcher just as it has for New Labour but New Labour hasn't had the blue rinsed tory shire brigade marching through London in protest yet has it unlike the dear Lady did with regard to her poll tax.

The idea was, and is, political suicide.

She wouldn't listen - she had to go. Why do you think the tories got rid of it (and her!)as fast as they could?

09 May 2008 06:29

Poll Tax wrote, "
She wouldn't listen - she had to go. Why do you think the tories got rid of it (and her!)as fast as they could?"
But she has become the darling of Gordon!

Poll Tax
Poll Tax
09 May 2008 08:35

That doesn't mean that the Poll Tax was or is a good idea - if it was we'd have it now.

Like I said - political suicide and ALL the politicians know that.

09 May 2008 10:46

Why did Labour then push Tony Blair out foe a wee Scotsman lol? Same tactics.

Poll Tax
Poll Tax
09 May 2008 12:42

What has TB being replaced by GB got to do with Poll Tax?

09 May 2008 12:59

Conservatives MPs pushed Mrs T.
Labour pushed Tony Blair.

Poll Tax
Poll Tax
09 May 2008 13:25

And what has Brown replacing Blair got to do with Poll Tax? For the second time of asking.

09 May 2008 14:14

Mr Poll Tax are you having a bad day?

Poll Tax
Poll Tax
09 May 2008 15:30

No - just trying to figure out the logic (which begs the question that there is some) to 'wonderings' responses to my postings.

09 May 2008 16:25

Oh the irony of discussing the differences between Conservatives and Labour......when the truth is that they are both the same;whichever way they wrap up their taxes. First we had Thatcherism and now we have Blatcherism,which is now unravelling before Gordon's eyes.

If you are all intent on discussing Capitalism, then why not discuss OUR LOCAL COUNCILLOR'S, MAYOR AND TOWN CLERK?! These people purport to represent US,the residents of Dawlish....yet all they do is pay lip-service whilst lining their pockets at our expense. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WE SHOULD BE PUTTING UNDER THE MICROSCOPE!

09 May 2008 22:14

Well said Dullish. Get rid of the local council I say. It's all a bit Liliputian (or Little Britain?) here in Dawlish. Complete waste of time and money, especially the 'mare'. I'm no LibDem (or any other breed) but; How about local income tax with a weighting on holiday camps to pay for seasonal demand on services?

10 May 2008 14:31

Thank you Fluke and couldn't agree more with your tourism point. Especially when you realise that a lot of our councillors also have a vested interest in the holiday trade. In fact, i think you would find that most of our councillors would not be on the council at all, if they could not use the position to line their pockets (via planning applications, land grabs, back-handers....)

I am astounded how few residents of Dawlish question what these people really do. Meanwhile, these councillors do their bit for the community', to throw you off the scent of corruption (whilst creaming off 40 per-cent for so-called admin).

These people are a disgrace to the town of Dawlish yet parade themselves as it's cornerstone (outgoing mayor Rosalind Prowse even proclaimed the Black Swans as the most important aspect of Dawlish on Dom Joly's Channel 5 program!). I used to think that councillors represented their community but the truth is they only pursue such office to represent themselves. They should be ashamed.

By the way, i think my previous comment gave the impression(after my Labour/Tory bashing), that i vote Lib Dem. Thankfully i can state that i would never vote for such a non-entity.
Especially on a local level with buffoons like Younger-Ross(his mauling at the hands of Blair is still one of PMQ's highlights) and devious Lib Dem councillors like Protheroe, who hoodwink their townsfolk with 'oh so caring' gestures,whilst rabidly building a personal empire on council time.

10 May 2008 19:42


Your last post contains echoes of other posters earlier digs on other strands about the local council. But can you point to any actions individuals may have made that prop up your case?

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
11 May 2008 07:26

Bardwell wrote, "But can you point to any actions individuals may have made that prop up your case?"
Investigative journalism is surely lacking but here is your starter for 10.
Who engineered the moving of the post office from the Brunswick to the strand and for what reason?
Who placed steel gates across a public right of way at Blackswan Place?
Who places parts of her attire for show at the Dawlish Museum and publicly proclaims that the black swans are the most important resident's of Dawlish?

11 May 2008 16:03


The reason my postings echo those of others is because,like them,i have become disillusioned with this secretive council of ours. And i am not alone;there are many others, all new to this site, who will begin to express their distrust of the people who claim to represent us and not themselves in local government.

Why do you resent such debate? Are you part of that 'inner circle' yourself? Perhaps if there was honest, open democracy at the local council meetings there would be no need for such forums.

Are you aware that local residents attending council meetings at the Manor are given minimal opportunities, if any,to express their views of THEIR town? Do you call that a fair and just democracy? Are you proud to defend that? What do they have to hide?

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