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Lynne's Threads

Subject Views Posts Last Post
The Hustings - a question about the regeneration of Dawlish town centre 96 2 Apr 2015
On yer bike! Dawlish classic and vintage bicycle parade 245 2 Apr 2015
Warren Farm, Dawlish - latest info. Appeal lodged! 2886 186 Apr 2015
Amazing what things can be come across when doing a search...... 100 1 Apr 2015
Newzoids - the new satirical puppet show 46 1 Apr 2015
New Dawlish town councillor 684 30 Apr 2015
Shutterton Park development - Planning Committee hearing end of month 254 9 Apr 2015
Independent candidates leaflet - I'm confused 178 7 Apr 2015
Monster Raving Loony Party 143 4 Apr 2015
Bandstand replacement 356 7 Apr 2015
Erection of Happiness statue in Dawlish - date for planning hearing now set 96 1 Apr 2015
Why non Lib Dems should vote Lib Dem in 2015 567 20 Apr 2015
Local controversial matters and district/town council election candidates 403 8 Apr 2015
A walk to the Warren 345 4 Mar 2015
The Dawlish Neighbourhood Plan # 2 - how to find out what is happening 109 1 Mar 2015
Reduction on Dawlish Warren/Exeter bus service 1111 26 Mar 2015
The housing developments at Gatehouse (ref DA2 in the Local Plan) - more info 1270 60 Feb 2015
How to post a hyperlink on this website 76 4 Feb 2015
Which comes first? SANGS or the new housing? 321 12 Feb 2015
Leisure Development Opportunity (Bike hire business) Dawlish Warren 71 1 Feb 2015
Shutterton Housing Estate - new multipurpose community building 1515 78 Feb 2015
Opportunity to discuss Dawlish issues with Dawlish town councillors 76 1 Feb 2015
The Teignbridge Local Plan - will prevent Dawlish tourism numbers from expanding? 419 28 Feb 2015
George Osborne gives advice on how to avoid paying tax 78 3 Feb 2015
The Dawlish Neighbourhood Plan - #2 1747 98 Feb 2015
Pre-election purdah - starts 31st March 95 3 Feb 2015
Refreshments concession, Coryton Cove, Dawlish 948 28 Feb 2015
Mamhead House up for sale 164 2 Jan 2015
Planning (Community Right of Appeal) 95 3 Jan 2015
Got a great photo taken on a Devon rail journey? - competition 35 1 Jan 2015
Accident on M5 - Exeter clogged up 76 1 Jan 2015
Dawlish Railway station on BBC Countryfile Sunday 11th 388 11 Jan 2015
Land grab at the Warren? 4582 217 Jan 2015
When can a local authority issue a compulsory purchase order? 83 1 Jan 2015
Should the numbers of fish in the Brook run low......... 204 4 Dec 2014
Help! Washing machine repairer needed! 331 19 Dec 2014
Channel 5 @ 8.00pm THIS EVENING - programme about the rail repairs at Dawlish 140 4 Dec 2014
The Conservatives and local planning 99 2 Dec 2014
New planning application for Dawlish Warren - to attract "more people to the area" 199 3 Dec 2014
Abbotskerswell Parish Council legal challenge to TDC re Local Plan 208 13 Nov 2014