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Focus' Posts

Actually, its not all doom and gloom! My Endowment mortgage finished in March and this paid off my mortgage and still gave me £2000 in hand. I was able to do this because I never moved house in the 25 years and the mortgage was relatively small. So many people keep upgrading their lifestyle get a bigger/more expensive property and eventually get caught out.Greed in many cases, to be one ...

The parking of cars should be abolished along the Strand at peak times and during the summer season. Allocate a few places for disabled only. Widen pavement and make Strand wide enough for one lane only.Install speed humps aswell. There is a good car park at Barton Terrace. Make the abled bodied walk from here. During the summer it is too busy along the Strand with tourists and cars.

Place to Visit
23 Jun 2008

Could try Canonteign Falls, Haytor, & walk to far end of Warren Spit. Take a visit into the Haldon hills aswell. See Lawrence Castle and the Obelisk.

16 Jun 2008

They were getting £32,000 per year 15 years ago! That was a bloody good wage then. They say they haven't had an increase in all that time. The average salary now is only £23,000 per year. I'm sorry but Greed is the only word for it.

Why do I always watch bits of this rubbish? Of songs I heard I thought Israel was best - is Israel really in Europe??? Why did 43 countries vote?? Too many Russian states now which dominate. Just leave them to it and western Europe can boycott it. UK song was totally ordinary, although sung quite well. If UK withdraw then BBC won't have to televise it anymore. We can watch Bond film repeats ...

One more thing on this. Why has diesel fuel increased so much in the last few months. About 6 years ago I ran a diesel Mondeo and diesel was the cheapest fuel. Now it has far outstripped leaded and super unleaded. Surely diesel is just a 'heavy oil' and the process to get it to the pumps cannot involve as much refining as both unleaded types? Is it that demand is now just forcing the price ...

19 May 2008

If your car is a 2000/2001 model or older I think the tax remains same. If newer than this, then yes, its up to the higher rate.

11 Apr 2008

This is not Dawlish related but if anyone has a mortgage with the Halifax and its almost finishing, don't pay their Exit fee charge of £175.00. They apparently abolished this fee last July but still try and claim this fee from you when your mortgage ends. Complain, refuse and write to them, but they will waive this charge if you complain enough. The deeds fee of £50.00 is also an issue but I ...

26 Mar 2008

Go to St. Ives in Cornwall for the best pasties in the Northern Hemisphere.(Actually, not sure if they make them in the Southern Hemisphere?) Don't buy an ice cream in St. Ives though, or the seagulls will 'av you!

council tax
14 Mar 2008

Unfortunateley, in todays's society, just because you have worked and paid tax during your life, it doesn't mean you deserve anything. If you have not saved or paid into a personal or works pension during your life, than you will only get a state pension.And rely on benefits. This is not enough as we all know. You will struggle to survive. Thats the way it is.