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council tax

12 Mar 2008 20:34

Along with our council tax bill is a letter explaining the rise of council Tax for Teignbridge council, it explains the rise of £6.65 is to help towards the free bus pass scheme.
We are a young working family with 2 children paying a mortgage and struggle to make ends meet.We cant afford to use the bus
My parents both work and are comfortably off because my mum is 61 she can get a bus pass.
It was my mother who pointed this out to me. They also get heating allowance. As there are a lot of well off pensioners surely these pay out should be means tested. There are a lot of families who cant afford to have their heating on

12 Mar 2008 22:10

Ive paid tax so that families receive child benefit etc.

13 Mar 2008 09:35

Thats true millionairs can get child benefit Thanks for pointing it out

13 Mar 2008 21:32

The booklet that came with that letter also shows this:-
Population of Teignmouth 15,300, Pop of Dawlish 13,690.
Precept for Teignmouth £190,000 and for Dawlish, £229,000.
So why have the people of Dawlish got a raw deal?
Lobby your crumby councillor and no doubt you will receive a heap load of crap that is sure to come out of an orfice that is further from their tiny brain than their mouth is.

Bright Eyes
Bright Eyes
14 Mar 2008 06:21

Yes I noticed that as well.

14 Mar 2008 09:06

We have always had to pay more than Teignmouth "for the privilage of living here?"
Where are all the groups lobying about a supermarket etc when it comes to real issues.

14 Mar 2008 09:09

I am on state pension and credits I recieve the same amount as my friend in Lincs she pays $15 a month water rates mine are £23 I cant have a meter where I live.

14 Mar 2008 09:58

Yes, this was discussed under 'Let the train take the strain' last week.
Sometimes I'm a bit confused what pensioners do with their heating allowance. I see its gone up way beyond the rate of inflation!
My wife said yesterday she saw many old people buying bottles of whisky!!
I wish old people would stop saying 'I've paid taxes all my life so I deserve a decent retirement'.
Its the tax payers of TODAY who fund pensioners life style.

14 Mar 2008 11:09

Focus .. one day someone will call YOU old. It is the most certain thing. TODAY no respect.

14 Mar 2008 11:09

I can assure you I dont drink or smoke. Those people probably have private pensions.Tax payers pay for child benefit working tax credit child tax credit etc.
We pay the highest water rates in the country and I am left with less money than others elsewhere on basic pension.
My flat is all electric my direct debit is £47 a month out of £119 it leaves me with £72 to pay bills and feed myself

dont care
dont care
14 Mar 2008 11:28

pensioner you got your sums wrong there even so nobody should begrudge you having a decent retirement we pay enough for youngsters who dont or wont work. So what if someome retired wants a tipple I am sure those on jobs seekers or income support do the same.
This country does not respect the older generation

Bright Eyes
Bright Eyes
14 Mar 2008 11:31

Why don't you all do what Viaduct suggests and ask your councillors why the difference between Teignmouth and Dawlish?

14 Mar 2008 15:38

Unfortunateley, in todays's society, just because you have worked and paid tax during your life, it doesn't mean you deserve anything.
If you have not saved or paid into a personal or works pension during your life, than you will only get a state pension.And rely on benefits.
This is not enough as we all know. You will struggle to survive.
Thats the way it is.

15 Mar 2008 16:04

Our heating allowance has gone up and I can tell you what we do with it!
We use it to keep warm in the cold weather. A lot of pensioners are old and frail and are unable to keep active enough to keep their circulation going so they have to keep their heating on most of the day.
Yes our heating has gone up but so has our council tax and water rates by about £10 per month,thats without the increase of gas and electricity.

15 Mar 2008 19:36

Retired if you have to pay council tax then you have a private pension. I dont pay it because I am on the minimum state pension/pension credit

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