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General Discussion

Dog muck
23 Jan 2012

I don't think some of them even started clearing up. I have seen people with bull terriers allowing them to wee all over the pavement outside the Co-op which then gets stood in by the kids & there is worse all the way up the Strand. Park Road & Old Town Street are especially bad. People step in it after dark because they can't see it & spread it all over the place. There's no point in having a ...

I do not claim to be a climatologist (is anyone else on this forum?) but can someone explain why the Arctic ice is melting but the ice at the Antartic is increasing?

8 Dec 2011

I once read that someone who was stranded out in open sea caught and ate a seagull, which he said tasted of fish, presumably because that's what it had been eating. Also it would have been eaten raw (nice!) Knowing what our seagulls eat, what do you think they would taste like?

Just wondering - how would someone dyslexic know how to spell Kenneth Harry? Or even who he is? Think Duckileaks has it sussed.
10 Oct 2011

Don In the old days, there was a better class of abuse. And some of it was very funny. R.I.P. Roddy the Rooster.

8 Oct 2011

So why are you still following this website?

What makes you think the public car park will be used? You will have to pay to park there!

@flo Thanks for posting that info regarding the Vicarage. The council certainly covers its back with masses of bureaucracy & red tape, doesn't it. Should think the neighbouring residents in Weech Road are not too happy with a festering, rat-infested pile on their doorstep. Isn't it a health hazard? If somebody gets Weils Disease they may be able to sue a) the owner or/and b) the council for ...

3 Sep 2011

There's an empty home in Weech Road - the Vicarage. Not that anyone could live there in its present condition, but why has it stood empty for so long? About 20 years to my knowledge.

30 Aug 2011

Where will all these people work? There aren't many jobs outside care industry and tourism. As I understand it all the schools are full and the doctors' surgery is oversubscribed, as anyone who uses it can testify. Roads are jammed in the centre of town. When we get heavy rain the sewer system can't cope with the number of users at the present, as South West Water recently advised us not to put ...

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