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General Discussion

The Motorist
5 Aug 2008

Trunk roads are the responsibility of the Secretary of State for Transport, unless detrunked. All other roads are looked after by Devon County Council, unless it is a unitary authority, Plymouth, Torquay. Facts we need on this forum, not bullshit! There is a certain Joey Deacon who is full of it. CRAP! CRAP! and more CRAP!

4 Aug 2008

You will get very little movement out of the dumb coucillors. It is self, self and self again first for the coucillors, there is no second place for the electorate. There are pleased to get your vote,after that it is get out of my face.

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

Where did this chuffer chuff in from? He has certainly made a splash with his persistence for no reason.

Squelching in the mud when the tide is out at Starcross looking for cockles and Mussels is a favourite. The aroma to go with it is not bad either.

4 Aug 2008

Now HSBC profits fall by 28% As more and more sensible people get their money out of those twisting banks, so they have less to invest and less people to steal money from.

I could not agree more!!! But how many plonkers will still donate to the buckets of Rotary and Roundtable? Some people will never learn. They just as well go to the Mayor Protheroe (Rotarian) and give him the money directly for him to finance his property empire, because people who give now, have no idea where it is going, they only think they do.

2 Aug 2008

Not being a drinking man, I think it is called being tea-total, I have hurd it is the most expensive place to eat and drink pub food. A lot of the young hard working staff are not on the maximum minimum wage. There is a terrible smell that permeates the air unless someone is quick enough to dampen the smell with a deoderizing airarsole. And yet there are dickheads that still venture there. Is ...

The Motorist
2 Aug 2008

Now here is a topic that I am sure everyone can get involved with. And like other topics, there are bound to be mention of councillors, and why not? They are the ones usually behind many of the problems that we encounter every day of our lives. From speeding to parking, to those that think they are drivers to those that know they are not, to those that should never have been given a licence ...

Nigel Kennedy
2 Aug 2008

Quote,"Genuine musicians hone and refine their talent over the years with little regard for fame or celebrity, which they see as a by-product, unlike desperate hopefuls, who see it as the main goal. " I could not agree more and that can be said of many other topics. GREED, GREED, GREED is the main goal.

And what happened next? Was the pedestrian ok? Did the lorry leave tyre marks on the road? Did the lorry hit the car, soft or with force?

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