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General Discussion

Chuff off

Not Anon
Not Anon
04 Aug 2008 18:31

Chuff off.... says it all really. Stop with your silly posts that you are replying to and lets just get back to Dawlish, what this site it supposed to be about and freedom of speech. By the way I am not Viaduct, Roy, or whoever!

04 Aug 2008 18:34

or Chuffer?

04 Aug 2008 18:41

Where did this chuffer chuff in from?
He has certainly made a splash with his persistence for no reason.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
04 Aug 2008 19:55

Heaven forfend that people decide to make some interesting posts on here that cover a variety of topics!

Not my cup of tea, but at least it's better than the usual drone from the usual suspect.

And I'm still waiting for these Anon's/***/Viaduct etc to acknowledge that they are proud to be from Dawlish.

Anon or
Anon or
04 Aug 2008 20:00

I am very, very proud of living in Dawlish. I just don't like seeing a select few carving it up for themselves.

You won't discredit me, as too many people know me and understand my remit, which they also support.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
04 Aug 2008 20:03

***, you are SO proud, that you post on here anonymously nothing but negative news from other websites. Have you given up posting as ***?

Get out there and do something about it in the real world, if these issues mean so much to you.

04 Aug 2008 20:09

I am doing A LOT! How arrogant and dismissive of you to assume this is my only outlet (oops, scuse the sewage pun there). The difference is, i do things for nothing, as opposed to your kind who always seek payment, in some form or other.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
04 Aug 2008 20:24

Roy (I mean, ***), what do you mean "my kind"?

If you mean someone who works for living, yes I do expect to get paid for that. It's called a job...

I bet you read the Daily Mail, don't you? That'll make you an armchair warrior as well as a keyboard warrior.

So, please share with all the millions of readers of this forum exactly what it is you are doing to improve matters in the real world.

04 Aug 2008 20:30

Myself and many others do not have to bleat on about how much we do for charity or our town. We just do it (hey, what a great byline!) and we don't expect backhanders either.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
04 Aug 2008 20:46

Please answer the question ***.

Do you regard a salary as a backhander? Wow you really ARE a Trotskyist! Excellent.

04 Aug 2008 20:53

Your salary is naturally your business. Not bothered. What does involve me is 'your kind' using our town as a ruse for roundtable/rotary business. I expect you will have to go now as Dragon's Den is on. money money money

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
04 Aug 2008 21:09


What do you mean "my kind"? The only society I'm a member of is the National Trust. I AM a director of one company based 200 miles from Dawlish, but that costs me money rather than earns me money.

So what do you mean by "my kind" receiving back-handers?

*I watch the repeat on Sunday evenings...

04 Aug 2008 21:15

Chuff by name, chuff by nature. Off for a bite to eat....have chewed you up enough.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
04 Aug 2008 21:20

Off you trot ***.

You proven without doubt that you only have whinges. Never answers.

Jog on Roy, you're a hollow shell...

04 Aug 2008 21:26

Joey Deacon is comedy gold! How many dummies does he spit out per day?! He's more akin to Thomas Tantrum

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
04 Aug 2008 21:30

That was a quick meal! Are you on a liquid diet perchance?

Now that you're suitably refreshed, do you fancy answering the question now? I'm sure that the thousands of people that you claim view this forum are all on the edge of their seats waiting for you to tell me what you mean by "my kind"?

04 Aug 2008 21:45

Now i'm an alcoholic according to the mind-reading, dummy spitting, control freak. Ironic after all your wine postings today.

NOT JUST THIS WEBSITE. Clear enough for you?

How low will you go?????

Joey Deacon 22 00
Joey Deacon 22 00
04 Aug 2008 21:52

Wine?? What on earth are you whining about?? Jesus you sure know how to project, don't you Roy.

Quote from me on the "Motorist thread": How many different real people do you think read this forum?"

Reply from you: "Who knows Deacon! Thousands! Even more i suspect."

You're making a fool of yourself.

Why don't you answer the question? What do you mean by "my kind"?

Joey Deacon 23 02
Joey Deacon 23 02
04 Aug 2008 22:52

Poor the Roy. It must be lights out at the mental home at 10pm sharp. The poor thing, I pity him and his empty life.

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