Lorries currently negotiate High Street to Queen Street and coaches from Brumswick to the main car park or to the right ..so reverse the traffic outwards in High Street, Inwards into town via Brunswick with free parking along there ..so people can just walk over the lawn. Straind is then car free and links to the lawn. Coop still to deliver at the rear so no problem there. Any parcels can ...
Only way the Strand will be pleasant is without cars ..but they wont let that happen... so meanwhile other towns flourish where no cars.
Well Labour have no intention of giving people a referendum ..but tories are going to. Lets get out!
England was great until it was ruined...Labour will never ever get my vote again.
I've lived in Dawlish 10 years ....nice place shame people.dont like to move the town forward
Have you signed this yet ??? https://petitions.express.co.uk/say-no-to-new-eu-migrants?expandcomments=true
Yes far more sense. Right move.
Teignmouth would be a better bet with more shops and its going forward not backwards.,
Can anyone explain why when someone does not believe in anything ...when there is a problem or some disaster in their life ..they alwasys say :Oh God;'?.. and in general chat you see 'OMG' ...so much these days. I dont get that!.
....now then children!