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Ann's Posts

Is that every council or a Dawlish Town Council rule. If it is the latter is it legal? Are the minutes available to the public?

28 Sep 2008

If our Town Councilors are so corrupt, I have no knowledge of their conduct good or bad. Surelyit be a good idea for all those who do have such proof to go along to the next council meeting, or failing this have their say at election time. I think it is unfair of those who are in the 'know' not to make this public, as most townsfolk will be unaware such deceit is alive and kicking. If it is left ...

Lets be logical about this. In this ever increasing P.C., world, do you honestly think that a Youth Club where children from around 10 years old will attend that alcohol/drugs will be on the premises let alone users and abusers

12 Sep 2008

I have had an email from the Town Council re the Youth Club. There is no going to be any alcohol on the premises. It is not going to be a drop in centre for drug/alcohol abuse. Maybe now the rumours can stop. If anyone wants full details suggest they email the council themselves.

Could someone give me the web site for the propposed plans for the Dawlish Youth Centre. From what I have read there is going to be a youth centre and a new community centre and perhapes that is where the confusion is regarding a bar and disco. As for a drug/alcohol abuse centre I think this would be a good idea giving the amouont of drug users and alcoholics in the town. My children although ...

12 Sep 2008

Viaduct surveylance is not a local problem. This country has more CCTV cameras than anywhere else in the world along with DNA and Electronic Data. We are in fact entering an Orwellian society by government stealth.

Barton Surgery
12 Sep 2008

0845 no's cost 2p per minute from a BT line.

I do think the petty sparring on the forum is one of the reasons why others are reluctant to post,as well as almost every topic being used to criticise the council.Also when someone posts their opinion they often get snide replies when not falling into line with certain posters views. When every subjet gets turned around to involve the castigation of the Council it gets boring. I can see this ...

11 Sep 2008

When I first came on this forum there were many more posters than now, ot so it seemed. Have people lost interest? or is it that they have to sign in, or that there were but a few posters using different aliases

11 Sep 2008

I emailed the Town Council about the Youth Club asking if there is to be a bar and it being used as a drop in center for the disadvantaged,drug/alcohol abusers. They have passed my request on to the Youth Council, will post any reply I recieve.