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General Discussion

Thanks for the addresses will try them

8 Aug 2008

As mentioned on a previous thread we are hoping to move to Dawlish in the next two months. Many of you have suggested we rent first to get a feel for the area and where we would eventually like to buy. Hoping to visit in the next two weeks. Can anyone tell me if there is a good choice of property available to rent in Dawlish or is it very limited. Thanks again for your help.

4 Aug 2008

Can anyone comment on traffic especially in the morning 7.30 to 8.30. Leaving Dawlish heading for M5 towards Tiverton. We live near M4 at present and traffic at this time can be a nightmare which is not good for travelling to work.

Thanks everyone it is a good thing to know what is going on. I think we will have to rent to start with anyway as the property market here is not good and I don't think it is likely we will sell quickly. Renting will also give us time to look around and get to know the area as residents rather than visitors. Special thanks to mouse may need answers to other questions as the move proceeds.

2 Aug 2008

We have visited Dawlish most years for over 20 years and now out of the blue my husband has been offered a job in Devon which means we could live in Dawlish. I have visited and contributed to this website for about 18 months and have learned lots about the place and the people. You have all given great advice on where to eat when we visit, transport and other questions we have had but this is ...

Wasn't the money from the sale of the Leonard Lamb Centre supposed to be used towards funding the Youth Centre? And wasn't it then the case that the money (all or some of it) got used to finance roof repairs to the Manor House? Well.......if the Manor House gets sold, as the town council is mooting it could be, why can't the proceeds be spent on funding the Youth Centre (minus the vocational ...

positive criticism
23 Apr 2008

I think most people who move away from where they have grown up for whatever reason feel the same when they return. Times have changed everywhere, we moved away from the North 20 years ago and are sad to see what has happened to where we grew up. My husband can't even find the street he lived,it has been demolished. We are now living in South Wales but are English. I have to say we have been ...

Pub near station
5 Apr 2008

thanks everyone, don't remember the Simple Minds concert but were visiting Dawlish in the seventies and like most regular visitors spend a lot of time these days saying "what used to be there"?

30 Mar 2008

Was in Dawlish last week, have been many times. We were trying to remember the name of the big pub which was by the railway station. I think it is flats now. Can anyone remember and stop us pondering?

Just back from a great week in Dawlish. After reading some of the complaints on this site tried to look at the place with a more critical eye but to be honest still think you are all lucky to live in Dawlish. The scenery is great, the shops cater for just about everything you need on a day to day basis. The transport is fantastic lots of buses and trains too.( We have two buses an hour to the ...