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General Discussion

Moving to Dawlish - Help

02 Aug 2008 10:24

We have visited Dawlish most years for over 20 years and now out of the blue my husband has been offered a job in Devon which means we could live in Dawlish. I have visited and contributed to this website for about 18 months and have learned lots about the place and the people. You have all given great advice on where to eat when we visit, transport and other questions we have had but this is something different entirely. The housing market being what it is at present, it may be some time before we can sell our house but we hope to rent in the meantime. Any help and advice would be appreciated. Where would be nice to live? Are there any keep fit classes or local interest groups? How does the recycling policy work? I would also like to hear from anyone who has moved to Dawlish, was it a good experience?

02 Aug 2008 11:10

Moved to Dawlish two years ago. Didn't move here to be surrounded by what I had left behind though ie urban sprawl like supermarkets, cars, housing.

Like lots of people, if you are relocating, where you end up living is determined by what you can afford to buy and what is on market at time of looking.

If you can I suggest you rent first. That will take pressure off having to buy whatever is on market when you move and also allow you to get the 'feel' of different areas within Dawlish.

Be warned! Dawlish will at least be having one new supermarket. Sainsbury have been given permission to build a store at Shutterton Bridge. Tesco want to build at Lady's Mile and in the same area new residential units are planned to go up on the near future.

Living on top of at least one, if not two supermarkets might be your ideal of heaven for me it would be hell.Think of all those cars. Still, I suspect there will be plenty of property on the market in those parts of town.

Good luck

Property Blight
Property Blight
02 Aug 2008 14:45

If any of you know the owners of properties in
GIPLIN CLOSE, LAMBERT CLOSE AND EXETER ROAD (the bit FACING LADY'S MILE) please will you alert them to what Tesco has in store (sorry about the pun)

From the planning application:

NOISE. The nearest noise sensitive properties to the service yard and mechanical services are at nos 6 & 7 Lambert Close and 161 Exeter Road.

CAR PARK. Closest residences are those in Gilpin Close.

02 Aug 2008 17:37

hi i moved from essex to dawlish 10 years ago this xmas, i havent looked back the locals are friendly etc. the quiet part of town is up by the doctors and hospital barton crescent, terrace and villas etc. that end of town. your further enough away when tourists flock in in there thousands and close enough to walk to town and take a nice walk beside the brook. keep fit classes happen in the manor house which is not far from the town also different interest groups happen around town too. if you want any more info or help email me im always happy tohelp

03 Aug 2008 08:56

On the keep fit classes and local interest front.There are adult learning and further education courses held at dawlish community college. And there is a local weightwatchers kinda group they meet at the church next to dcc.
For further information its probably easier and quicker just to google what your looking for.

Adult Education
Adult Education
03 Aug 2008 09:07

Beg to differ. Not a lot of adult education courses are now run at Dawlish Community College unfortunately.

Would that they were.

03 Aug 2008 10:04

wait till the new youth centre opens and you can learn how to take drugs and become an alcoholic as well as meeting lots of new people who can teach you all sorts of bad tricks.

03 Aug 2008 10:16

Roy your boring. 3 of these posts are from Roy.Guess which ones!

03 Aug 2008 10:36

who is roy? who are you? the thought police? you seem to think you are the censor. who are you? i dont want a drug centre in dawlish, got a problem with that?

03 Aug 2008 11:13

Anon- YOU may not want a drug centre in dawlish, but that is not what was asked at the beginning of the thread. Someone for once had a perfectly good question. And as for the idiot who very rudely posted his message about the Tesco site, again that is not what was asked. In answer to your question - I have lived here for the last 15 years, moved from Sheffield. I agree the best part is at the back of town and is very quiet. Please do not be put off by some of the people that post on here.Not everyone in Dawlish is like that. I would also suggest renting at first. Good luck and weclome.

Also A Resident
Also A Resident
03 Aug 2008 11:18

that's your point of view, but hundreds of people do not want drug addicts and alcoholics walking around our town. The irony is the youth centre will be built to keep the streets quieter and safer, where the opposite will be the result. i would like to know what vested interest this defender of a drug centre has got?

03 Aug 2008 11:23

I have no vested interest at all young man. I was merely saying that Penny asked a question, to which you really didn't answer but went on about the new centre. Just because I answered her question does not mean I have any interest in the centre. Why should it??

Also A Resident
Also A Resident
03 Aug 2008 11:29

because your words are defensive. or maybe you dont know half of whats going on in the town you live. people should know what a slippery slope this drug centre will be. what are your views on it?

03 Aug 2008 11:31

My words were not defensive they were merely stating fact. Sorry Penny this thread has now been taken off at another angle again.

Also A Resident
Also A Resident
03 Aug 2008 11:36

who's not answering questions now? what do you think of groups of druggies in our town?

03 Aug 2008 13:37

Penny think carefully about a move to Dawlish. Teignmouth has more going for it and you can visit Dawlish in minutes.

03 Aug 2008 14:53

Yeh teignmouth council is doing more for its populace. But i woudnt go so far to say that its better than dawlish as it is skag capital.

03 Aug 2008 15:16

Well if you read this forum Dawlish is full of problems... hardy an advert.

03 Aug 2008 15:32

Lot's of great things about Dawlish! Enjoyed a relaxing walk along sea-wall earlier. But there some things that need to be brought to people's attention and addressed. That's how you improve won't improve things if Councillors personal interests come first before the town.

03 Aug 2008 16:32

Thanks everyone it is a good thing to know what is going on. I think we will have to rent to start with anyway as the property market here is not good and I don't think it is likely we will sell quickly. Renting will also give us time to look around and get to know the area as residents rather than visitors. Special thanks to mouse may need answers to other questions as the move proceeds.

03 Aug 2008 16:56

I am trying to sell to move to Sussex.. there prices not dropping as much as here. Nightmare.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
03 Aug 2008 18:08

I moved here about 18 years ago Penny and its a great Town. You get negative views but then you get that everywhere.Its a fantastic place to walk,eat out and the shools are far better than many places around the country.When you speak to people who have moved in lately or even holidaymakers it is only then that you realise how bad it is in cities around the country and how lucky we are.Teignmouth looks better but then they have had millions spent on it due to Teignbridge Council, where as Dawlish has had very little funding.Dawlish though has far less drug problems and very little violence , where as Teignmouth has major problems.If Dawlish council get there act together and start fighting for proper funding for Dawlish then hopefully the improvements will help house prices rise hear more than in Teignmouth.
If i was you i would also rent to get a feel of the place.

03 Aug 2008 18:25

"Dawlish though has far less drug problems and very little violence , where as Teignmouth has major problems."

Is that why we are having our Youth Centre turned into a Youth Training Centre for the disaffected, unemployed and badly educated youth of Teignbridge? so that Teignmouth's problems can come over here?

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
03 Aug 2008 18:29

Yes Roy , sorry Henrietta.

03 Aug 2008 18:51

No, i'm Roy! What are your views on the Youth/Drug Centre Chicken Deacon??!

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
03 Aug 2008 19:37

Ah you've remembered your name again anon/henrietta.The thought of you in that dress was horrible, even if it it the closest you will ever get to a woman.

now is the question addressed to me or Deacon? and will a dullard be able to answer it?

03 Aug 2008 19:41

Even if you are a dullard,please dont answer

it,otherwise it means Roy has hijacked another

thread with his boring tripe.

03 Aug 2008 19:46

Talking of dullards....just seen Chicken being made a fool of on Nigel Kennedy thread. Hilarious! How does it feel to have your ignorance paraded for all to see Chicken??! Priceless!

Still laughing it hurts....hee hee hee.....

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
03 Aug 2008 19:58

Roy the hilarious thing is that you are actually sad enough to put Nigel Kennedy into Google and then copy it word for word. now when you stop pissing yourself with laughter , ring the bell next to your bed and matron will be along to change you.

03 Aug 2008 20:05

That was nothing to do with me mate! Wish it had been! Why are you infatuated with thinking you're only talking to me?! Something you want to share with us well as your ignorance?

Still (in your words) 'pissing myself'......

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
03 Aug 2008 20:10

Yes Roy if you say so.No it wasnt you. It was someone else that copied his life story word for word. If you find that so funny, you really do lead a sad and lonely life.

I am very happy to have brought you such pleasure, better than your usual of pleasuring yourself. I always like to help the afflicted.

03 Aug 2008 20:23

Ouchhh! Some little Chicken is such a sore loser, he can't even let it go! Have you 'googled' anything at all? If you think that's word for word i would get yourself a new computer, quickly!

Admit some grace to that person who exposed your limited brain. I would like to continue this, but food and drink are far more essential than conversing with a dullard who's only aim is to get the last word.

Before i go, a word of yourself a favour....don't join any quiz teams. ha ha ha ha ha ha

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
03 Aug 2008 20:40

I find that the use of the word "Dullard" by so many different people (yeah, right!) to be very, um, interesting.

Once again, another thread has been hijacked by Roy. Yet again Roy ruins a positive thread about Dawlish. Why? Because he hates Dawlish.

Whereabouts in Teignmouth do you live Roy?

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
03 Aug 2008 20:51

You beat me to it , that word Dullard used by so many these days, similar to the word that everyone uses Buffoon....yes the word only used by Roy and Viaduct.
Dont forget everyone , dont pick me for a quiz team otherwise you'll fail on the Nigel Kennedy section( yes that bloke that became famous because he was a plastic punk who played a violin) or you could read Roys version from Google. Afterall everyone knows that a quiz has loads of questions about a bloke thats done jack shit for years.

03 Aug 2008 21:02

Looks Like He Actually Did Google It.What A Tosser .

This Competition Is Gunna B The Dogs.

As A Book Been Set Up

Ex Arms
Ex Arms
03 Aug 2008 22:27

Sorry Brunswik....We are leading in this!!

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