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General Discussion

positive criticism

newly returned concerned
newly returned concerned
16 Apr 2008 22:08

I was born in Dawlish left at 21 have been back
18 months.
Sorry to say it isnt the place I left, before any of you say go again or why come back etc,
I had to go away for work and always intended to come back to my home town and my family
I was fortunate could come home with my company on the same money.
Dawlish is being left behind by the real world
Any youngster with a bit of get up and go will go. their places are being filled with the retired
Dawlish has
lost its sense of community spirit, I remeber every other day from April-September there would be a morning market on the lawn, the pubs were meeting places for friends etc
I am so disillusioned.
The people who have moved here havent adapted to a Devonian way of life they have changed it

17 Apr 2008 22:19

The same people who complain about imigrants
coming to U.K and not adapting

23 Apr 2008 18:57

I think most people who move away from where they have grown up for whatever reason feel the same when they return. Times have changed everywhere, we moved away from the North 20 years ago and are sad to see what has happened to where we grew up. My husband can't even find the street he lived,it has been demolished.

We are now living in South Wales but are English. I have to say we have been welcomed here from day one. Never been made to feel an incomer or immigrant. The first week here people were dropping leaflets through the door telling of frost fayres and community events. As a result we have embraced the customs here and feel it is home. It is sad that for work many have to move but communities can still thrive if people make an effort.

newly returned
newly returned
24 Apr 2008 22:10

I lived in Wales for 8 months and agree with everything you say.

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