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23 Jun 2008

thank u everyone u have been a great help

23 Jun 2008

In your case you have no choice.

Wonder what Viaduct and Co will have to say about that... Dawlish Councillors approved. Suppose they will now say they should not have lol.

23 Jun 2008

Who really cares about puntuation its a rant with a few mistakes, you cant expect everyone to know everything.

Corrupt Council?
23 Jun 2008

It was mayor protheroe. He gets away with murder! How can he be allowed to block a public right of way? What do the residents of Blackswan Place have to say about this?

Its wonderfull
23 Jun 2008

The question is how much more corruption and abuse of position by our councillors will take place when Parish councils get more local powers?

23 Jun 2008

Leave Dawlish in peace....or to allow councillors to continue their abuse of a council position? Not all councillors are tarred with indirect and shifty fact, a few are oblivious to the corruption that takes place, mainly due to the fact they are excluded from the 'inner-circle'. Closer inspection highlights that this 'inner-circle' consists of long-serving councillors, ...

23 Jun 2008

I notice you are unable to list the actual facts? Please move away from Dawlish and leave the place in peace.

23 Jun 2008

I so wish Mr Negative would get a hobby or stand for his beloved Council and get doing something positive.....always has to pick at everything and everyone no matter what the subject. Am i alone in that thought?

Its wonderfull
23 Jun 2008

the previous post is addressed to 'dont care'