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General Discussion

Corrupt Council?

dont care
dont care
23 Jun 2008 13:49

It appears that many on here are of the opinion our Town Council is corrupt i.e., feathering their own nests etc.,
Is it about time they were named and shamed with evidence of their mis-deeds
Being in the dark about these crimes gives us no ammunition to challenge them or go to the media. Or our MP or is he in on the conspiracy.

Lets face is even our Government is full of liars and people taking tax payers money under the pretext of 'expenses'

23 Jun 2008 13:53

Hello don't care! there is no need to name anyone, just look at the facts.
Who errected the steel gates to effectively block off Blackswan Place as a Public Right of Way?

23 Jun 2008 14:30

It was mayor protheroe. He gets away with murder! How can he be allowed to block a public right of way? What do the residents of Blackswan Place have to say about this?

24 Jun 2008 10:52

I think you'll find its just one poster, who has a grudge but hasnt got the guts to stand for election.Numerous posters have told him to stand but to no avail.Gutless wonder.

24 Jun 2008 11:14

Anon, Why dont you get your brain in gear instead of sitting on it, as I have said many times before, become a councillor and lose your independant way of thinking.

24 Jun 2008 12:31

chicken shed/anon/joey deacon/joe orton

your assumption that only one person is debating and discussing our corrupt dawlish council on this forum is way off the mark.....and might i add....arrogant.

perhaps you should be highlighting the fact that roundtable and rotary numbers are dwindling.....hence the protheroes attempting to recruit customers in their pub....and those customers staying away because of the pressure and harrassment to attend roundtable/rotary meetings.

There are many of us.....but we all don't have to meet every week to discuss what latest wheeze we can implement to make us more money personally.

On a previous many times have you made smutty, disrespectful remarks to the waitresses at these meetings? They may be employed by your mayor and serve your food, but that does not entitle you to treat them in such a demeaning way. So much for gentleman evenings heh?

dont care
dont care
24 Jun 2008 14:07

I contacted the highways department in Exeter ages ago.Black swan place was never a right of way as such, There is evidence of application being logged years ago.
I was not defending the council but dont let issues re the Town Council take over every thread.
Of course they need naming and shaming if illegal practices are going on.
Maybe in the next elections a couple from here could stand. Use this forum to spell out their platform as well as the media.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
24 Jun 2008 22:55

Not sure how Viaduct/Nigel/Roy/Anon can stand in 4 wards as he is all the same person.

He'll be standing for the MAD AND SAD Party.

I've heard he's told the council that 60 people live at his address and at least 20 post on this forum.

Rhode Island Red
Rhode Island Red
25 Jun 2008 07:02

Chicken Shed, you have a brilliant sense of humour!

25 Jun 2008 07:10

chicken shed/anon/joey deacon/joe orton/rhode island red

Laughing at your own jokes in follow-up postings is mad!

your assumption that only one person is debating and discussing our corrupt dawlish council on this forum is way off the mark.....and might i add....arrogant.

perhaps you should be highlighting the fact that roundtable and rotary numbers are dwindling.....hence the protheroes attempting to recruit customers in their pub....and those customers staying away because of the pressure and harrassment to attend roundtable/rotary meetings.

There are many of us.....but we all don't have to meet every week to discuss what latest wheeze we can implement to make us more money personally.

On a previous many times have you made smutty, disrespectful remarks to the waitresses at these meetings? They may be employed by your mayor and serve your food, but that does not entitle you to treat them in such a demeaning way. So much for gentleman evenings heh?

Rhode Island Red
Rhode Island Red
25 Jun 2008 08:01

I assure you Anon that I, Rhode Island Red, am only Rhode Island Red.

But of course you won't believe that will you because only you know THE truth - and how is that for arrogance?

25 Jun 2008 10:20

Your years of exposure to council PR permeates throughout your postings. Sycophantic brainwashed automaton.

dont care
dont care
25 Jun 2008 20:23

Hush Hush dearies. Rhode Island Red how many eggs do you produce in a week Only ask as my son has chickens and I have told him your breed are the best layers.
Some on the Council may well be corrupt but unless we know who and what there is little we can do about it.
If the allegations are fact to name will not bring on a libel case, but as I said before will give us ignorant of the facts amunition when contacting the council about this corruption

25 Jun 2008 21:20

dont care

you are as see-through as the huge gap between your ears....move on you sycophantic council sleeper.

When the time is right, you will see enough 'brown-stuff' to implicate many of your kind.....

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
25 Jun 2008 22:50

Thank you Rhode Island Red for appreciating my attempts to lighten the depressing mood of this forum, caused by one person.

Unfortunately Viaduct/Roy/Nigel/Anon doesnt and now seems to think i am about 8 posters.All i can say is i must be able to type bloody quickly and spend every hour of my day on here.

Its a good job hes keeping an eye on the council because i havent got time to do doodle squat about all the corruption.

Viaduct/Roy/Nigel/anon, i'm not sure why you would think i would want to post by using different names, your paranoia is making you look a fool.Their coming to take you away

26 Jun 2008 10:05

chicken shed! Thanking yourself?! You can now add schizophrenia to your paranoia.

If it jokes you want then i suggest you tell everybody about the non-democratic process that takes place at Dawlish Clown Council meetings, regarding the 'clamp-down' of residents input. Exposing what truly goes on is not's enlightening.

I see protheroe has managed to acquire a piece of land adjacent to his apartments, through the back door of teignbridge hand shakes. Now that is depressing.

26 Jun 2008 10:28

What is even more depressing anon, is the fact that officials from Teignbridge are attempting to back him up.
Offering land to anyone they choose is very corrupt practice and I do not really see how it can be defended?

26 Jun 2008 10:37

chicken shed

Are you going to defend this 'done deal'? This is indicative of what goes on behind closed doors with Dawlish Town Council. The mayor of Dawlish, who is the beneficiary of this skulduggery, presents himself as an upright pillar of the Dawlish community. The residents of Dawlish are being fooled wholesale.

26 Jun 2008 10:44

This is scandalous and illegal. I trust this will be investigated and reported in our local press? It should be,as this is an affront to the people of Dawlish, who have put their trust in this man. First of all it was the trees and now this illegal sale of land. Mayor Protheroe should be made to resign from council duties for such abuse of his position. Heads must roll.

27 Jun 2008 07:49

Looks like this illegal deal was struck between Protheroe and Teignbridge a long time ago. Their slyness proves that the public face of our councillors and what takes place behind the scenes are miles apart. Sitting on the council should be about representing the people of your town, but it appears it's all about representing yourself; getting inside information and favourable decisions to aid and abet personal greed. Certain councillors on Dawlish town council should be ashamed of the way they have used and abused the system of office over the years.

27 Jun 2008 08:10

I have now managed to gather further information, and what I have gathered is an absolute disgrace and should be exposed by every means possible.
Whichever way the decision is dressed up to show that it is the right decision, is an afront to our intelligence.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
27 Jun 2008 09:49

This is classic, 5 different posts under different names, you've excelled yourself.

Too many tablets i think, have you been storing them up and then taken them all at once when Matron wasnt looking.

As for the planning permision for the land , the whole cliff will probably come down on them as they build.If your lucky those movers and shakers that you so love will be in the pub at the time , tweeking the girls arses and doing dodgy handshakes with their trousers rolled up.

27 Jun 2008 17:28

You're the sad multi-poster....but you insist with that council PR garbage of denying everything and pointing the finger at others. By defending malcolm and wally protheroe, you implicate yourself in every illegal transaction that they do. And there are many! In the meantime, keep on deflecting with your antiquated it's all you have.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
27 Jun 2008 19:25

Oh dear viaduct , you make me laugh. If only you knew.
Nice forum this isnt it multi-poster.Now how do i know that

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