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General Discussion

24 Jun 2008

Why does 'doom' give you so such pleasure? If the town had one agent you would be the first to choice. What is your problem???????

Hi Oliv, please email me at for further details on costs etc

Corrupt Council?
24 Jun 2008

chicken shed/anon/joey deacon/joe orton your assumption that only one person is debating and discussing our corrupt dawlish council on this forum is way off the mark.....and might i add....arrogant. perhaps you should be highlighting the fact that roundtable and rotary numbers are dwindling.....hence the protheroes attempting to recruit customers in their pub....and those customers staying away ...

Dawlish Gazette
24 Jun 2008

chicken shed your assumption that only one person is debating and discussing our corrupt dawlish council on this forum is way off the mark.....and might i add....arrogant. The difference is we all don't have to meet every week to discuss what latest wheeze we can implement to make us more money personally. As for many times have you made smutty, disrespectful remarks to the ...

24 Jun 2008

chicken shed/joey deacon/joe orton just speaks out of his rear end! How's the estate agent biz dave?

Place to Visit
24 Jun 2008

Do not eat in dawlish will end up paying tourist prices. I would suggest making a fresh healthy packed lunch and taking plenty to drink, plus maybe a bottle of wine if the weather's good. Much more enjoyable than sitting in a grotty touristy pub....and you can take it wherever you go and eat when you like.

Its wonderfull
24 Jun 2008

The question is how much more corruption and abuse of position by our councillors will take place when Parish councils get more local powers?

Dawlish couldn't go upmarket and up in the world if you strapped a rocket to it and sent it into space! Too many people driving and walking around thinking they are in Monaco.....noses in the air. Or could that be the smell from the sewage plant in dawlish warren?

'Cus tourists are money!!!!! The only thing roundtablers and rotarians understand. Isn't it strange how many of our councillors also run businesses in the town? Surely they can't be on the council to assist these businesses? Can they?!

chicken shed/joey deacon You hypocrite! You are the one that is racist, sexist, homophobic and insulting! Yet more deflection to take the spotlight of an inept Dawlish Clown Council. I see protheroe, in his mayor speech, has more plans to line the coffers, while pretending to improve things. I notice he states how much he has done.....shame there wasn't a list of achievements. Why? Because it ...