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General Discussion

European Market visits Dawlish

20 Jun 2008 11:34

Just come back from the market on the lawn. C'est fantastique. Lots of stalls, lots of food.

The place is buzzing.

Market on today (Friday),Saturday and Sunday


Ooo la la.

21 Jun 2008 00:45

Yes great isnt it, certainly shut up all those who did nothing but run the idea of having the market down

21 Jun 2008 09:35

Dearer than the co-op Olive, so what is great about that?

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
21 Jun 2008 10:14

Le marché continental est fantastique!

Les hamburgers de cheval sont délicieux, tandis que l'escargot cuit à l'étouffée est impressionnant!

Où est Roy ?

shop keeper
shop keeper
21 Jun 2008 10:46


21 Jun 2008 10:48

i think the market it rubbish, we should be promoting local stuff not foreign.

21 Jun 2008 20:43

The roast dog was very nice.If its like most of these markets then they'll be a shortage of toilet paper by the morning.Poison then scarper is the markets motto.

22 Jun 2008 14:04

Dear Mouse (or should that be Cher Souris?)

It is hoped that there will be a local produce market in Dawlish starting in the autumn.

Happy with that?

22 Jun 2008 14:08

Dear Shopkeeper,

the town was most certainly not dead when I was there so not sure what you mean.

But I'll tell you one thing certainly will be dead when that supermarket arrives.

22 Jun 2008 17:31

How would you know Viaduct? .. you said you have never been in the Coop!

22 Jun 2008 17:46

Most local people I've spoken too enjoyed the market which certainly had some items that could never be bought in Dawlish. Traders in the market seemed a bit gloomy about sales levels, and this morning several said they wouldn't come back. Sad, but they must have very high overheads. Well done though to the organisers.

22 Jun 2008 18:20

Good bye and good riddance

22 Jun 2008 18:26

yeah im happy with that its about time we start promoting dawlish produce more instead of everyne elses

22 Jun 2008 21:41

I visited the market this morning, i thought it was great, but would have liked to have seen a little more of the Spanish element apart from the paella. I brought some wicked cheese with peppers and chillies in it.....great melted on toast i have discovered! It would be even nicer to have a traditional local market on the lawns regularly, you cant beat local produce.

dont care
dont care
23 Jun 2008 01:06

Shop keeper?how is it other towns the size of Dawlish not only have these events but weekly markets. These events bring folk into the town

dont care
dont care
23 Jun 2008 01:08

I think it would have been better to have it in the tourist season. The visitors would be impressed, and the stall holders would have taken more money and who knows may have been willing to come back again

Dawlish at heart
Dawlish at heart
23 Jun 2008 07:22

Don't ask me how I know this but I do.....

Ideally the market would have been in Dawlish later in the high season but for one thing - as you know the Lawn gets full of activities at least one day over the weekend during the summer time and it so happens that this weekend was the only weekend that Fri, Sat, & Sunday were available. Simple as that.

If folk think,that on the whole it was a success, then let it be known. The organisers might then try for it to come back.

Re a local market: all things being equal a local produce market should start up in Dawlish Sept/October of this year. Probably start off as once a month and if successful maybe more than that.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
24 Jun 2008 10:37

out of season when the tourists have gone home?

24 Jun 2008 10:41

Crazy ..the tourists keep the town in business sure thing the locals don't.

24 Jun 2008 11:47

'Cus tourists are money!!!!! The only thing roundtablers and rotarians understand. Isn't it strange how many of our councillors also run businesses in the town? Surely they can't be on the council to assist these businesses? Can they?!

24 Jun 2008 19:04

what about the shops that already sell local produce? we've got 2 delis, bakery, butchers, health food shop - chrissy at the flower shop sells local fruit and veg - its all on our door step already - so why do we need a market one day a week? all it will do is bring people to the town for the market and the local traders here all year round will miss out! add the supermarket into the equation and all you'll be left with is a very empty town!

local resident
local resident
24 Jun 2008 19:23

Well now xx, can you suggest something, anything, that will bring more people into the town?

Also, I am rather intrigued to know why local markets/farmers' markets are so popular in other towns if they are so detrimental as you claim. Perhaps you could explain.

I know for a fact that if there were to be a market on I would go into the town. As I would be in the town I would then go into the shops as well as the market.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
24 Jun 2008 23:00

When i go to the Exeter Farmers market , i also shop in the rest of the Town, and eat and drink in one of the restaurants/cafe's.

If Dawlish had one then i would do the same.

25 Jun 2008 04:55

so you would go to the farmers market and buy meat, veg, bread, cheese, flowers, cakes etc and then also support the local butcher, baker, candlestick maker? how does that work? the markets duplicate what is already available is all i'm saying- people need to appreciate what is on their doorsteps! the european market may bring people into town but it doesn't keep the money local.

Market Gardener
Market Gardener
25 Jun 2008 06:57

The local produce market MAY duplicate SOME of what is already available in the local shops but please note:

a) at the moment it is planned that the local produce market would only be running once a month. Hardly HUGE competition.

b)the local shop traders would also be perfectly entitled to rent a stall. I believe the proposed amount is £20 per stall per market day.

c)It is hoped the local produce market will also be selling goods NOT usually available in the local shops.

d)If you are so concerned about BIG COMPETITION ALL OF THE TIME then beware of the proposed supermarket not the proposed local produce market.

e)To repeat a previous posting above - if such markets weren't of benefit in other towns then do you think they would still be running?

f) Let's just suck it and see shall we?

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
25 Jun 2008 22:12

At least i might get the chance to buy local fruit and veg, which unfortunately we can only get at the flower shop at the moment.

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