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General Discussion

Do they realise the decor I wonder?.. have you see the window cills ? ..together with the badly written black boards, wonder if the frontage represent the kitchen!...actually it's probably all a ploy to get talked about .. its other restaurant in Dawlish has had such free publicity ... the careing, clean, hard working ones don't get a mention do they.

On the coast it's probably Salcombe, then Sidmouth ..Dawlish is somewhere down the list ..certainly not the highest prices, though may seem it. North Devon is low and parts of run down Plymouth. Go to and type in each town and all will be revealed. I use that site a lot for all info. Hope that helps.

..oh what 'colourful' language!

22 Mar 2005

Thought it would be interesting to see what the actual population is made up of ..given that so many say it's all old people here. Looks like that is not the case.. 60% are under 49. Information from aged 0-19 22.90% 25.05% aged 20-34 14.52% 20.37% aged 35-49 20.58% 21.27% aged 50-64 20.08% 17.42% aged 65+ 21.92% 15.89%

Bus passes !
20 Mar 2005

.. is the fare if you are resident in Devon with a travelcard. It costs more than that to run the car and include parking fees. The law now requires that new vehicles are required with disabilty access ..these cost over £100.000 each! Dawlish has a bus every 15 minutes during the day to Exeter and maintain that you need 10 buses along the route ..add the costs together with the ...

18 Mar 2005

Yes ...all of the UK. OAPS will only get 'free' travel during the day at off peak ..they will have to pay before 9am when buses are busy it should work out better than now, as the loadings are light during the day.

bored youths
17 Mar 2005

Reading the text of your posting ..perhaps in your spare time you could take a course in English literature and you may gain a career or at least be able to complete an application form!

Thank you for that .. trust I speak for M too. the postings have gone even worse since your message. The sooner postings go via the Webmaster the better... it comes to something when all people can talk about for a week is Dog muck doesn't it.

17 Feb 2005

Are people in Dawlish really proud of the quality of messages posted on this board recently? This is a great place to air points, positive ones would make a nice change! I just wish people who hate Dawlish so much would just move on ? The Webmaster must get sick and tired of wasted message space and people being so rude to each other .. or perhaps that is aceptable ? Perhaps initial postings ...

See the first Monty post of the day ! What a shame. Hope you will do something or I wonder what the future of this forum is.

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