I've had a look at the plans and I can understand why some people might find it difficult to interpret what they are going to do with the existing orange facade. My interpretation is that it's going to be hidden by iron grey trespa cladding, to help make it more in keeping with the Conservation Area. The enclosure is definitely not going to extend onto the pavement.
Are the plans on-line anywhere, thanks? I can't believe that they want to keep that awful orange frontage!
I've only ever had one pint at Lee's Bar and to be fair it was decent enough, however it's not really my kind of pub. I agree with JW that the Welcome Inn has come on leaps and bounds in the last 12 months, though I still prefer a stroll to Cockwood if we go out for a drink. Or over to Turf Lock or Topsham if Mrs Dawlish Man is driving!! :)
Interesting to see that Lee's Bar at the Warren are taking advantage of the summer season by increasing their "across the board" beer prices. Prior to Easter they advertised "Everything £2.50 a pint". On Good Friday, this changed to "Everything £2.60 a pint". Today (the first day proper of the season), this changed again to "Everything £2.70 a pint"! Astute business acumen, or ripping off visiting ...
Not only is it an aesthetically pleasing building, but it's also going to be a great working asset to our town. Thumbs up from me? :)
Cheaper than the Starcross ferry I'm told.
Further to previous threads on this subject, simply telephone 07970 918418 to call for the ExePlorer Water Taxi, which runs between 9am and 5pm until 4th September.
Heaven forbid that visitors come to our our town, spending their money in businesses in our town! You know, businesses that employ local people! For your information, I'm a local, and I'm really looking forward to the airshow. You are clearly entitled to your opinion but please don't think for one millisecond that your opinion is even close to being representative of people in this town or in this ...
"Pity"? Yeah, how crap it is that the local community has rallied round to save our show... Sometimes you are an utter tool.