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General Discussion

Does any one know what sort of wages John Partridge pays his staff. He is by the way for those who do not know, the proprietor of Dawlish Tax's

20 Nov 2007

In the Know, doesn't know alot that's obvious. He/she believes in fairies that's also obvious. Consultation is a get out. How would you know unless you are in the know, what any consultation has thrown up? They can say what they like to get fairies to believe it. Look at the facts not fantasies.

Tesco, being one of the bigger food outlets in the country, are not only interested in food. But to give you an example of what will happen, look at what Stoke's did? They killed off the competition and they now sell produce that is labled "class 1" at class 1 prices, but most of it would not be officially declared class 3. Daylight robbery. But then many people like being robbed, don't they?

16 Nov 2007

I bet you have something to hide, that is why you go around fully clothed, pull your curtains at night and have a single cubicle for when you talk crap. You are probably one of those that complain about the cost of living, yet let your council waste your money. If I told you to stand beside a drain every day and throw a £10 note into it, you would probably tell me to pi55 off. yet the council ...

16 Nov 2007

Tell that to Dawlish Town Council. They think we have so many problems here in Dawlish, they all consented to spending a vast ammount of tax-payers money on CCTV. It is a funny mans toy, which will soon be disposed of.

Regenerate Dawlish
30 Oct 2007

And little brother is watching big brother. How many people on this forum watches come dancing with that piece of antique furniture comparing the show, and how many of you muppits waste money on the phone to say, "yeah, that will win it", but very few of you are interested in your own environment. Sad really!

The Lawn
16 Oct 2007

Really sad how people complain about what is right and wrong with their local area on a site such as this. Dawlish could be an excellent place for all sorts of things, but it has been let down badly by people who are only interested in their own self esteem,-----------Councillors--------. Go to the Manor Council offices and give them grief, don't nag each other.

Now why didn't the person asking the question think of that?

Hi there ma'am! I am always around the town taking photograph's. As any press photographer will tell you, "There canne b no law agin it". I would not take the picture of any individual on purpose, but if you happened to be in the frame, "Snap" I got you even if I do not know who it is. On this occasion and at the location you have pointed out, it wasn't me. CCTV is spying on you all of the time, ...

dawlish benefits
1 Sep 2007

I assume you would like your money up front for any work you may carry out? After all, there are a lot of vunerable people here in Dawlish.