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Rainbow's Posts

I agree that the type of visitor that is attracted to Dawlish is something else. How many of you locals have noticed an increase in dog crap on the pavements, since the start of the holiday season? How many of you have noticed that you are pushed out into the road by those ignorant infiltrators? How many of you have been caught waiting behind a sandwich board outside of a certain shop in the ...

1 Aug 2008

How many of his hard working staff get this? The national minimum wage, currently £5.52, rises to £5.73 on 1 October. And how many of his staff do not get that because they are under the said age?

Apart from Teco being a sleazy supermarket, what other objections are there for not wanting Teco here?

Corrupt Council?
27 Jun 2008

I have now managed to gather further information, and what I have gathered is an absolute disgrace and should be exposed by every means possible. Whichever way the decision is dressed up to show that it is the right decision, is an afront to our intelligence.

Dawlish Town FC
18 Jun 2008

Not interested in footy-----it is a mugs game! Whilst it is a sport enjoyed by many, many are paying ludicrous prices to watch it and support it. Who in their right mind would pay way over the odds for a tee-shirt/scarf etc, just because it is symbol of a club of their choice?

Dawlish Gazette
6 Jun 2008

I forgot to add in the thread above. We now have Tom (Scobie) Dick (older-Ross) and Wally ------the mayor, all lib dems.

6 Jun 2008

I will endorse whole heartedly the comments made in the above thread. Time will eventually tell whether or not we will get impartiality from another groomed Lib dem.

Violent drinkers!!!
5 Jun 2008

I thought local taxes were collected to provide services for all of us and not provide for charities of some other persons choice. Money dished out for local items----- new seating, repair of footpaths/roads, the upkeep of LA properties etc, are what I consider to be needy causes for the taxes we pay. There is an estimated 168,000 registered charities in this country, why should one person have ...

5 Jun 2008

jambuster says, "WELL SPENT DAWLISH TOWN COUNCIL, BUT STILL IT WAS NEVER YOUR MONEY SO THATS OK." Just like the article on the front page Dawlish Post, 23 May 2008. (Cheques handed out by town mare.) Not her money it is yours, but I bet it maid her feel more important that she is. It doesn't say how much, but I believe it is around £5000 of tax-payers money given to causes that many may not ...

School Move
23 May 2008

You are not what you own!