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General Discussion


happy devonian
happy devonian
16 Nov 2007 12:02

I have just come back from visiting friends in Wales what a dump went to quite a few different places.
I have never met so many people on the dole drunks druggies etc. Its not a place I shall ever go back to.
If any of you think drunks and druggies are a problem in Dawlish or Exeter think again.
Devon is a great place and Dawlish very special yes a few spoil it but the majority of people are cool

16 Nov 2007 12:23

Tell that to Dawlish Town Council. They think we have so many problems here in Dawlish, they all consented to spending a vast ammount of tax-payers money on CCTV. It is a funny mans toy, which will soon be disposed of.

16 Nov 2007 16:08

The only people who dont like CCTV and also Identity cards are those who have something to hide. Most people like to feel safe.
CCTV should take pictures of cars with number plates parked on yellow lines, like always along High Street by Costcutters. Simply post a fine in the post. Is so easy. Dont park there, no fine.

16 Nov 2007 21:47

I bet you have something to hide, that is why you go around fully clothed, pull your curtains at night and have a single cubicle for when you talk crap.
You are probably one of those that complain about the cost of living, yet let your council waste your money.
If I told you to stand beside a drain every day and throw a £10 note into it, you would probably tell me to pi55 off. yet the council can mismanage your money and you say nowt. What a pratt!

16 Nov 2007 22:13

If you dont like Dawlish go.

17 Nov 2007 13:51

To critisism is good its constructive doesnt mean you dont like a thing or place.
Cctv casmeras are just the begining our entire freedom is being erradicated read the newspapers or news on t.v we have more cameras in this country than the whole of Europe.
When the goverments anti terrorist laws come into place you will have to answer 53 questions before you have a holiday.
Id cards are good but not with the amount of information this goverment wants to put on them i.e medical history employment history etc etc
Its got nothing to do with having anything to hide its basis freedom
Dawlish did not need cameras
Read George Orwell

happy devonian
happy devonian
17 Nov 2007 13:53

Rainbow you are so right its just another excuse to waste money and keep and eye on us all maybe they should have ask the people of Dawlish first.

In the know
In the know
17 Nov 2007 19:15

What Rainbow won't tell you is that the people of Dawlish were consulted and those that spoke up wanted CCTV. But as usual all he does is take every opportunity to bang on and on about the CCTV. How exactly do you plan to get rid of it Reainbow? I'd be fascinated to hear!

happy devonian
happy devonian
20 Nov 2007 14:07

I live in Dawlish I wasnt consulted about the cameras.
The thing I want to get accross is that compared to much of the country Devon especially Dawlish is a nice safe place to live and we should appreciate the fact

20 Nov 2007 17:21

In the Know, doesn't know alot that's obvious.
He/she believes in fairies that's also obvious.
Consultation is a get out. How would you know unless you are in the know, what any consultation has thrown up? They can say what they like to get fairies to believe it.
Look at the facts not fantasies.

Devon lass
Devon lass
21 Nov 2007 08:52

Going back to the comments made by 'concerned' the vast majority of people would prefer to be safe. As a young woman out on her own I would like to know that if I was attacked in the street a CCTV operator would be able to radio for help as let's face it no-one in Dawlish gives a toss about each other and probably wouldn't step in to help. The CCTV cameras are not invading your privacy they are there to be the eyes of the police and the council. If they had had CCTV cameras on The Manor the little scrote who burned down the playpark would potentially have thought twice about it if he thought he could be identified. I'm guessing Rainbow is the sort of person to get tanked up on a Friday / Saturday night and start a fight on the Strand with non-locals so probably has more to hide, hence why he is so against these CCTV cameras!

21 Nov 2007 10:43

Hear, Hear!

21 Nov 2007 10:57

'Thank you' Devon Lass and i agrre in what you say.
Anyone reading this Website from away must think it is the most disliked place by its residents. If it is not CCTV, then its holidaymakers, Carnival, Council, Laen, our shops.. they hated Somerfield and now they hate the Coop. No wonder nobody buys the empty shop in the middle of the Strand, it does not give anyone much encouragement, best to look at another town. I would.
Perhaps they are happy the newsagent in Town Street closes this week. Bit of bad news there for 'em.
I see now the latest compliant is the Taxi firm. Oh do give it a rest.
Whatever it is they dislike.. excepting the pub and its flippin football. Says it all.

happy devonian
happy devonian
22 Nov 2007 13:23

CCTV are useless in most cases look at the data on the internet.
Britain is becoming a big brother state and we all take the invasion of our privacy because the powers to be brainwash us that every other person is a criminal.
Just how many muggins were there before the cameras and how many since.
My family have lived here all our lives and have never been victims of any crime nor has anyone I know.

Sarah AKA Devonlass
Sarah AKA Devonlass
22 Nov 2007 15:31

Because you are locals! The CCTVs will be at their most useful on a Friday and Saturday night in the summer when the local inbreds start on the holiday makers- or some unfortunate soul ventures over from Teignmouth for a few beers at The Hole In The Wall.
Reading posts on this board not so long ago there was talk of gang warfare- strategic placing of CCTV cameras would deter such actions. It's not necessarily about PREVENTING muggings- or becoming a 'Big Brother state' (seriously which newspaper did you get this from?) it's about making people feel safe in their own towns or neighbourhoods. So long as you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to worry about have you?

happy devonian
happy devonian
24 Nov 2007 14:27

the big brother statement came from the Gaurdian a well known left wing newspaper, the radio and current affairs t.v programmes.this country has more cameras more dna dater base than any other country in the world. We are the only country to allow schools to take childrens fingerprints.Its really disheartening that the people in Dawlish live in this little bubble worried about trivial things and ignore whats going on in the rest of the country.
Nobody has mentioned our local lads who are fighting in Iraq you may agree or not with the war they had no choice but to go. I say well done to them all I know some personally
If so called thugs want gang warefare they will do so away from the cameras

25 Nov 2007 14:58

Dear Devon Lass, What an uniformed person you are, the CCTV cameras DO NOT work at night as they spent £80.000 and more on the wrong cameras, and two of them are non operational but which two no one except Dawlish Town Council knows, so please get real.

25 Nov 2007 15:01

Concerned, The double yellow lines are not legal lines so are not enforceable, even though the highways agency have been informed they have not bothered to correct them, thats why nobody gets a parking ticket.

25 Nov 2007 21:38

What gets up my nose most of all, are those that make wild assuptions about what other people do.
There is no drink, there is no drugs in my life.
People tend to open their mouth and spout off without any idea of what they are talking about.
Devon lass ought to be Devon ASS.

Devon lass
Devon lass
26 Nov 2007 15:36

What has the Iraq war got to do with CCTV cameras? I'm sure all of you on here knew Paul Collins the young Marine killed in Basra 2006, well he was a very good friend of mine (along with his brother Mark). Paul was a credit to his parents Debbie and Mike. What IS disheartening is the amount of youngsters in Dawlish who piss away their lives and don't really give a toss about Dawlish or anyone other than themselves. It is because Dawlish has gone so downhill (like most small towns) that these cameras were needed in the first place. OK so the council cocked up with getting the wrong ones (big surprise there) but people need to consider why these cameras were thought necessary in the first place.

28 Nov 2007 09:55

The only people that thought they were necessary were the Town Council and 2% of the poll they conducted.

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