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General Discussion

10 Jun 2008

My criticism is not aimed at you, as i have raised funds myself, as well as helping young people to better their lives; i certainly understand and respect your situation. My gripe is with councillors who claim great achievements helping our youngsters, but when their involvement is put under the microscope, the reality is, they have done very little. Then our councillors have the cheek to accept ...

What a waste of money was the skating rink! it was way too small and the council bigging it up saying its great etc when it was naff.

That sums up Dawlish councillors.....taking the credit for other people's hard work and dedication. What is the point of a Town Council? I expect those parents that couldn't be bothered are the same people who believe everything our councillors say in the local press. I say well done to you and your friends for sticking to your guns and getting things done. Let's hope the new Dawlish Gazette ...

10 Jun 2008

From your response it appears you are defending the likes of mayor Protheroe, by stating that money for youth projects is hard to come by. It shouldn't be if our councillors are doing their job properly! That was my original come Mr Protheroe can get planning for his apartments and build them in such a short time?! This is scandalous, especially when he professes, constantly in the ...

10 Jun 2008

Good init! I do hope more people have begun to realise that corruption (MP's and MEP's with their expenses and lower down the scale manipulation of situations to suit) are not just the domain of a benefit claimant. This thread was started with a statement and a question. What an embarrassment to Devon politics this buffoon is. How on earth did he get to represent us, in Teignbridge?! In answer ...

10 Jun 2008

hey im bisexual add my msn addy mybe meet up sumtime

10 Jun 2008

The present Youth Club is the size of a hut! This limits what Dawlish should be offering it's youngsters. Not every teenager in the town wants to skate! Why hasn't mayor Protheroe gone through all the same loopholes he did with his apartments, to build the Youth Club Dawlish was promised ages ago? Speaks volumes about our councillors and their 'greed and personal gain' culture. Instead of hiding ...

Co Op Carrier Bags
9 Jun 2008

List what is out of stock.

9 Jun 2008

Idiot. you know what Viaduct. you are just so rude to all on here, you can make a point without being like that. or does it take one to know one!

Dawlish Gazette
8 Jun 2008

they're probably all masons anyway.