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General Discussion

Manor Park Play area

18 Apr 2008 21:12

Brilliant the workers have worked their butts off, and have just about completed the replacement equipment and should be ready for the kids very soon.

18 Apr 2008 23:26

Thats great news

19 Apr 2008 08:21

And now roll in the Rotary to proclaim, " What a wonderful job we have done!"

20 Apr 2008 11:26

Why be so cynical

20 Apr 2008 21:34

Olive it is not cynicism its the way are, its a bit like the funny handshakes

06 Jun 2008 14:51

casey the twat did it nothing was done to him

06 Jun 2008 15:09

Left to the council the play park wouldnt have been replaced good for the Rotary Club

10 Jun 2008 14:29

i agree if the council and district council were left to sort the aprk out nothing would have been done. it was me and my husband who actually did all the hard work with some help from 3 other mums and a friend of ours. if we hadnt nagged the council and pressed for it to be done then the play area would still not exsist. what makes me laugh is the council wants to be congratualted on doing a fabulus job when it was everyone elses hard work that gt it done. one disappointment is that when we appealed for other mums to come forward to spend 1 hour a month to come to a meeting to help sort the play park out noone came, but yet the moaned about it enough. seems everyone wants things doen but want to do naff all to help.

10 Jun 2008 15:10

That sums up Dawlish councillors.....taking the credit for other people's hard work and dedication. What is the point of a Town Council?

I expect those parents that couldn't be bothered are the same people who believe everything our councillors say in the local press.

I say well done to you and your friends for sticking to your guns and getting things done. Let's hope the new Dawlish Gazette reporter (Tom Scobie) informs it's reader's who TRUTHFULLY and GENUINELY does things for the people of Dawlish and not just concentrate on supercilious content, such as mayoral hats and vacuous, outdated, rigmarole.

10 Jun 2008 15:59

thank you its nice to be appreciated for things we do. im sure the new reporter will be honest and geniune after all i have worked with him for a year or two with the youth group of dawlish and he is a nice guy who seems to want to help dawlish.

10 Jun 2008 22:39

How unfair then that Mayor Wally Protheroe was pictured on the front page of the local paper on the play park's opening. You should have got the credit and the recognition.

11 Jun 2008 05:48

unfortuatly thats life!

11 Jun 2008 08:36

That's life?! Do you not have a tinge of frustration that you're being sidelined while others take the credit?

Or are you a sycophant of Wally Protheroe's? If the latter is the case, then it appears the brainwashing has worked.

11 Jun 2008 08:41

It would appear Mouse is one of those hoodwinked by Protheroe and his cronies. Think the brainwashing comment rings true.

11 Jun 2008 10:03

But how do you know what the 'truth' is?

11 Jun 2008 10:19

maybe. i dont see why taking all the credit helps? it gets forgotten about so why not let the councillors think they did it all? although id love to shout it off the roof tops its hardly something anyone would remember

C Smith
C Smith
13 Jun 2008 15:14

Ok guys here we go!

Me my wife Mouse, and a few other formed the Dawlish Manor Play Park commitee back after i contacted Teignbridge in June 07 after the arson attack as no one else in Dawlish came forward to be on the committee 9and before you say you didnt know about it there where 3000+ flyers sent to the local schools numerous tv, radio and newspapers articles about it) so you must go round with your eyes and ears shut! We lobbied TDC for months to get the work done at there expense and not anyone elses some of your where critical of us because we thought about fundrasing what none of you asked is how can we help?. The rotary club and round table where asked to be involved what happened from them not even a phone call or email back so we dis regarded them! When we finially got the conformation that TDC where going to pay for the new equipment (and yes i know its prob from our council tax before you bring tht up too) we said that we wanted to be reconasied for the work we had done and we where prommised we would be but alas we where not! Some of you have mentioned brain washing but as someone else pointed out the press DTC AND TDC are very good along with the likes or the round table and rotary club of saying well look how well we done look at what we done sadly the groups plan was to raise money after the inital equipment that was arsoned was replaced to give Dawlish a pemmier park. Again back handed goings on means DTC have put a bid in too one day create this on the so called wish list sent early this year to Teignbridge council. The group because of this folded due to lack of suppourt by the people of Dawlish and the back handed going ons of the councils we worked very hard to get done what we did in the time scale. And I hope everyone can now enjoy the park yes we should have had the credit and yes we should have kicked up a fuss about not getting it but belive me you try struggling with a committee of just 4 people for 9 months to get where we did and you will not be supprised to find out why you loose heart in what your doing!

13 Jun 2008 17:59

I can honestly say I have never heard of this committee.

13 Jun 2008 19:11

it was in the papers enough times and posters around dawlish town, you obviously wasnt looking. doesnt matter now as the group has dispersed.

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