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General Discussion

WOMEN'S SURVIVAL Myself and the UK Director will be putting on a 4 hour course late August early September. Classes are limited. If you would like to attend please email me - The Women's Survival Module covers the following subjects: Awareness and avoidance Gender difference regarding conflict Hit and run tactics Guarding personal space Sexual harassment Rape ...

20 Jun 2008

I am selling my house free online with many websites that offer this. I overheard someone walking out of one agent with lots of property details saying 'they said in there they are all over priced by £20,000 and will all take an offer'.. I am not convimced agents work for the seller at all. I prefer to save the £3,000 fee, anyway they hardly ever do the viewings and ask the seller to do it.

SK8 park
20 Jun 2008

"PCSO Cairns believes a skate park in Dawlish will benefit the whole town. The skate park will not only give skateboarders a facility to do tricks and stunts in a safe environment but it should also free the town centre of the noise and nuisance that is synonymous with some skaters." NB "should also free the town centre of the noise and nusiance ......" Yeah ! Too right it will. It will displace ...

20 Jun 2008

Viaduct, Roy and all moaners why dont you put up for local Council and see if people vote for you? What would you do to get the votes?

Better still....cells for corrupt councillors. These people sit on the council for one reason only.....the accumulation of personal wealth. They purport to represent our interests and that of the town.....but the truth is, they hunger for, and take up these positions to ensure their fingers are in as many pies as possible. Ask mayor Protheroe about land acquisition, chopping down of trees and ...

19 Jun 2008

As long as we can put a padded cell in for the multi poster

Deranged as well as paranoid?! Your assumptions are wide of the mark...though highly amusing. I am one of many (along with viaduct/roy) who will remain a thorn in the side of those who insist on conning the residents of Dawlish that they are doing a good job and have nothing but altruism at heart. How arrogant of you to think all postings are that of one person! Do you believe you have Dawlish ...

You are effluent in your language....

18 Jun 2008

God viaduct, roy(seems today you are anon)you talk such utter shite.

18 Jun 2008

We could build at least 20 allotments in Viaducts mouth.He's boring us all to death.Now he calls himself Rainbow,Roy.How many more names will he have? Sad git