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General Discussion

SK8 park

will it work
will it work
18 Jun 2008 19:23

So, apparently the skatepark is to be built through the summer, probably meaning that a large part of Sandy Lane will be off limits. To build it has meant an investment of public funds, and tearing down an avenue of trees. Digging up a massive area of the rec land, and plonking the soil somewhere up the hill.
It also means the cricket team will have to move, and local residents will have to suffer the noise of the build - and of the skaters afterwards....

I'd just like to ask. Is it worth it?

18 Jun 2008 19:33

the trees are being replaced abnd planted else where. of course the skate park will be worth it, if it wasnt why is there a group of very dedicated people in dawlish wanting to get this built.

i think its worth it and i think other people do too

18 Jun 2008 20:31

But not on Sandy Lane playing field. There won't be much field left if they keep on adding more concrete.

Starlight Express
Starlight Express
18 Jun 2008 22:11

We shall see.

Asking for graffiti and what is euphemistically known as anti social behaviour if you ask me. All those sound barriers around it? What that means is that goodness knows what could be taking place behind them out of sight of all.

Time will tell.

19 Jun 2008 12:22

Er..... some problems I think between what the planning consent says they can do and what they want to do. Bit of a mismatch.

20 Jun 2008 07:58

"PCSO Cairns believes a skate park in Dawlish will benefit the whole town. The skate park will not only give skateboarders a facility to do tricks and stunts in a safe environment but it should also free the town centre of the noise and nuisance that is synonymous with some skaters."

NB "should also free the town centre of the noise and nusiance ......"

Yeah ! Too right it will. It will displace that noise and nuisance effectively to the backgardens of those who live around Sandy Lane.

Thanks very much - I don't think.

is it worth it
is it worth it
20 Jun 2008 10:14

Just because there's a group of dedicated people working to get it built doesn't mean to say it's worth it! After all there are often groups of "dedicated people" behind lots of destructive campaigns too. Was the Vietnam war worth it? I could go on....

21 Jun 2008 00:43

I would rather of had the skate park on the lawn where the bowling green is. Put the old miserable biddies out of sight.
I am a pensioner and cannot believe how many negative people there are on this forum.

The money is comming from the lottery

21 Jun 2008 09:26

Olive you say, "The money is comming from the lottery".
How do you know that, is it a done deal or are there strings attached to the lottery funding?
Nobody in business gives anything away for nothing, so until you know what the strings are, your statement could be dubious.

21 Jun 2008 10:35

yes the money is coming from the lottery and work should commence soon once the lottery have given the all clear and everythings ready to go.

why do people bang on about these things, as i said before if you didnt want it why didnt you go against it when planning permission was released? you know you had 8 weeks to object so as you didn you cant complain. theres nothing else here for the young people and the old cronnis have everything, bowling greens, hedley way centre and loads of clubs so why cant the youth have something decent. you might not like the idea but would you rather we try and help or leave them to drink, take drugs and having under age sex and getting into trouble??

least people are out there trying to help make things better rather than people like you lot critasing everything, remember you was young once and i bet things have changed alot!

is it worth it
is it worth it
21 Jun 2008 16:29

Perhaps this (unmanaged) skatepark WILL HELP them to take drugs, drink alcohol and have sex...

21 Jun 2008 17:33

You appear jealous of these kids. Why do you assume that a skate park will attract hoards of drunken teenagers to the area? What experience do you base this on? Typical NIMBY paranoia I think.

21 Jun 2008 19:27

Viaduct where have you been. This skate park was won by the people of Dawlish voting for it on TV last year. The project with the most votes each night won the grant and we won because the majority of people in Dawlish and surrounding areas want this.
Shame you can only be negative - it gets a bit boring after a while.

22 Jun 2008 07:45

Parent; You need to take the blinkers off!
What was (as you say, won) and what you may get, is entirely two different things.
Forgive me if I am wrong, but were there not strings attached to the grant and have they (will they) be fulfilled?
Until you can answer that, and until conditions have been met, the grant money will go no where.
Perhaps you could let us all know what are the conditions of consolidating the grant?

22 Jun 2008 09:59

The only 'strings attached' as you so call it, are that the lottery money awarded is used for what the project was described as - a skatepark (no confusion there). The money has to be spent within 12 months. The exact money that was awarded was 94 thousand pounds.

22 Jun 2008 10:28

So the truth is that the Lottery got Dawlish Town Council out of a hole? What happened to the money from the Leonard Lamb building? Wasn't ALL that money meant for the youth of Dawlish, via a modern, spacious Youth Club? Rumours going around Dawlish are that it went towards big salaries for town clerk Winchester and Penny Cracknell......

22 Jun 2008 18:28

the money from the lenard lamb centre whe on the cctv and the roof of the manor house. the youth gt 150,000 but thts not enough for a youth centre

22 Jun 2008 19:24

Look I can really understand everyone's frustrations regarding the money from the Leonard Lamb Centre and totally agree with you that this money should have been put towards the new youth centre as was promised, but it hasnt happened has it. In fact I remember the Manor roof was being fixed very quickly afterwards for a huge amount of money, which came from those funds. I agree that if you have to wait for Dawlish Town Council to do anything then you will be waiting a very long time, but please don't have a go about the skate park. This took a lot of time and effort from the likes of PCSO Gary Cairns, the skaters (who want to stop being the nuisance they have been portrayed to be by the minority of folks with big mouths!) and lets just get on with the building. The Council didnt have to fund this, so they have NO reason to keep delaying this long (and believe me the reasons I have heard are pretty lame). Anyway, its a shame that when obviously the community of Dawlish voted for this in their numbers the Council still have the power to hold it up this long. Just stop the hold-ups will you and then maybe YOU can FUND that long awaited Youth Centre that should replace the Leonard Lamb Centre or should that go to application for a lottery grant too - let us know will you.
Concerned and fed up parent

23 Jun 2008 01:12

Parent, that was a good post

23 Jun 2008 06:23


if you are fed up with it all why dont you get involved and see why theres holds up as maybe you might understand more, scoz to me it seems like your one of those parents who would rather speak then act!!!

23 Jun 2008 15:19

How wrong you are there. I have been very involved, which is why I am able to answer and know what is going on. Please don't judge people before you know the full facts. I have been involved with a lot of things regarding the project, including advertising, distributing flyers, etc.
I never said I was complaining because of apathy of the great supporters for this project, I am frustrated by the council for all their hold-ups.

24 Jun 2008 06:59

sorry Parent i didnt mean to cause offence, its just i have been heavily involved to but in the other side of things leases etc. just frustrates me how some parents will complain and not do anything

24 Jun 2008 18:44

Thanks for the apology - accepted!

25 Jun 2008 12:49

work on the skate park starts monday

27 Jun 2008 21:05

After watching the trees being cut down at sandy lane playing fields ready for the start of the skate Park,let's hope it's not going to be a one minute or even a one year wonder.
After speaking to one of the workmen involved he told me it's not often they have to cut down perfectly good trees.

One wonders if the skate park could have been built on a different part of the park and avoided the slaughter of such healthy trees!!!!

27 Jun 2008 21:17

wouldn't be surprised if the protheroes were party to this.......they're fond of cutting down trees!

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