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General Discussion

Its wonderfull
23 Jun 2008

Dawlish is a lovely place, ive been here 10 years now and i still say that. it hasnt got all he ameities like exeter or plymouth but we have public transpot that is easy assessable and we have a main road that leads to paces etc. the only grumble i have about dawlish is that when tourists come down they have no disregard from the locals and leave there rubbish everywhere, fair enough its only a ...

22 Jun 2008

i agree with tourist dawlish is a tourist town and always will be, if we stop them coming dawlish will no longer exsist and have all empty shops and look like a poo hole

yeah im happy with that its about time we start promoting dawlish produce more instead of everyne elses

21 Jun 2008

i think the market it rubbish, we should be promoting local stuff not foreign.

Sandy Lane car park
21 Jun 2008

about time too, why should there be free parking in dawlish? we have to amek some money somewhere. i feel people who drive there car down town are damn right lazy, ok if you have a disability fair enough but coz you cant be arsed doest count. where are the trafic wardens??

ban bloody seagulls cant they be culled!!! ok air enough people arent happy with the council, i dont see them that bad. ok ive had a few issues with them but at the end of the day its all bloody polotics

sounds like a fab course, any ideas when you will be running it again as i will ve 8 and half months pregnant by then and i can just about waddle down the road let alone do self defence etc.

SK8 park
21 Jun 2008

yes the money is coming from the lottery and work should commence soon once the lottery have given the all clear and everythings ready to go. why do people bang on about these things, as i said before if you didnt want it why didnt you go against it when planning permission was released? you know you had 8 weeks to object so as you didn you cant complain. theres nothing else here for the young ...

18 Jun 2008

the trees are being replaced abnd planted else where. of course the skate park will be worth it, if it wasnt why is there a group of very dedicated people in dawlish wanting to get this built. i think its worth it and i think other people do too

my son is 3 and im not out to disclose my name as im not having people judge me