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General Discussion

Leadsom or May
13 Jul 2016

Anyone paying attention knows that old chestnut, which is why May said at the outset that there would be no early election.  So when Leadsom said the same was that okay?

11 Jul 2016

Not me Burneside,  I think I'll be alright thank you.  It's you I'm worried about, you're still thinking the little man has stuck one up the Establishment.  How sweet.

11 Jul 2016

The apologists only call it bullying because one of their own is on the receiving end, they happily dish it out otherwise.   Leadsom has gone because she isn't up to scrutiny, not for altruistic or honorable reasons.  She lied on her CV (which contary to what Anne Marie Morris says is not okay) and she's a tax avoider, which while not illegal is meant to be at odds with the 'mood' of the honest ...

This is when the UK finds out that the 'special relationship' with the US that it thinks it enjoys is in reality the love that dare not speak its name. Paul, I hope you did your homework on TTIP before you optimistically volunteer your services.

The economy and markets will not be stable for at least the next two years until there is confidence and certainty in our trade deals. It was barely a year ago that the deficit and achieving a stable economy was at the forefront of the general election debate and the electorate was prepared to put up with cuts in services to achieve that.   Well that's all out of the window now.   The only ...

1 Jul 2016

It only takes a click on someone's user profile to see the calibre of their 'constructive comments' so maybe pick a fight at a better time... Fred- I respect your right to be a proud racist but can you fill me in on how that squares with your claim to be a Christian?    How many RE classes did you turn up for? Anyway, back to the question, what are the qualities that are currently ...

1 Jul 2016

Making Britain 'great' again is rhetorical.  Am interested to know what it specifically means to those of you that say it's not great now.    I'm not talking about economics, just qualities.

30 Jun 2016

Lynne, I think you've misunderstood the rules.    If you don't like other people's posts you need to 'Do one'.   If others don't like yours you need to 'Shut up'.    End of.

30 Jun 2016

So Dil, are you for a democratic vote or not? Because whatever your opinion of Corbyn's effectivensss, he was elected with 250,000 votes.   Angela Eagle got 25,000 votes in the General Election so why does her or her colleagues' 'vision' count for more? Surely a political party is 'owned' by its members not its MPs. Shouldn't Corbyn be voted out by the Labour Party members, not ordered out by ...

30 Jun 2016

Well I guess it'll be a toss up between 'We won you lost, suck it up'  or  'You won, we all lose. Suckers.' Time will tell.

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