Seems like the remaining Mrs C haters will say and do anything to divert attention from their own curious behaviour. Perhaps it's Multiple Personality Disorder - maybe Barton Surgery get paid per personality
Purrrrfect - am I misunderstanding your post as it reads as though you could also be BEE9?
I believe General Practice receive payments for 'preventative measures' such as blood tests and checks. Don't know the specifics but a GP friend of mine (not in this region) recently had to sack their practice manager for falsifying their records.
Recent Carnival weeks made me question what on earth had possessed me in years gone by to take time off work to enjoy the week. This year's Carnival reminded why. The organisers brought energy and enthusiasm and a lively programme of events to the town, and there was an all round good vibe. Shows what can be done with competent people in the driving seat. I hope it goes from strength to ...
Can't get my head around the Council minutes saying families 'travelled to use the play park in Teignmouth'. So people lug their kids to Teignmouth just to use the park because Dawlish doesn't have one? I doubt that very much.
Personal email address or not you should have kept them, especially if they were so unpleasant that your family members were concerned for you. Were they threatening?
So there's no official record of this communication, or will the Town Council have copies? What was it about the emails that made them unpleasant?
Shame, you would have been wise to keep them, especially as it was in the course of council business.
Would be very interested to know the word for word content of those not very pleasant emails Margaret, please share.
"91% of respondents were able to get an appointment or speak to someone". Doesn't that mean that nearly 1 in 10 people couldn't? It's a doctors surgery, why else would you call?!